I feel like I’m literally watching a car wreak burning right in front of me reading some of these comments
It is more like TM wants to talk about the story. Trolls like, Pigglypoor and Jojo wants to attack TM because his “opinion” is different. He is posting facts. He is being honest and helpful. They can’t have that. They have to create drama and attack him then try to make it seem like he did it because they are fucked in the head. Jojo turned on TM because she didn’t want to be target and threw him under the bus to protect herself from the bigger threat. She is a joke.
TM only want to talk about the story unbiased and lightly. They will not let him. They are being sore losers.
dm please tell us more about things that never happened i love fairy tales.
also mention me more please !!! i like the attention i get from you <3 just keep mentioning me.
guys that dm guys blocked me and keeps calling me traitor because i unfollowed them after i saw how unresonable they were being with their comments, they even send a private messege to people to warn them about it that i am bulling him when i didnt even know shit about it. i can show you guys the private messeges if you want i dont have something to hide <3 also yea give me more attention pls
Bro what the actual fuck is happening in this comment section???
I don't know how long it is has been like this but it has been here before I came here.
If you have a different opinion, like/love Jink or Jaekyung or are unbiased you are attacked and harassed by this group who believes it is wrong because Jaekyung "raped" Dan and is abusive to him or whatever.
They have silenced many voices. I will say the story is dull and JK is dull. However, they still force me into liking JK or the story to just attack me on it. They don't know my stances, they have to create my opinions, and they make up things all the time.
In July a group of people defended a rape survivor. They have made this group, a group of cult because their view are more aligned with the story. I was one of those who stood up for Rose. They have played a sick mind game since. They have made me a joke. They have ganged up on me.
I tried for a month to have conversations. Around September 14 I stopped. Then I had stalkers harassing me. I asked them to leave me alone but they would not. I pulled back more to where I was barely making comments. It did not stop not it. I was told to go kill myself in a different way 4 times and other hideous things. They are bad at projecting and gaslighting. They will stalk and harass us then claim we did it.
It is sick. I have not made a comment in like 18 days and made a few for a test. I posted links and facts. I tried to have civil conversations. I called them out when they personally attacked me and others. They got offended and went wild with making topics with gaslighting. They created more fake drama. When I delete my profile and start over they will never know who I am. I will be free from them. They are stalking me heavily. It si creepy. It is sickening how they create this then blame me. It is just target harassed on people who have different opinions from them. They are being toxic and childish.