nyan cat's experience ( All 1 )

about friends
nyan cat
07 06,2024
guys so im a highschooler rn and recently (like past two years) ive sorta lost a lot of friends. some ive dropped, some ive js grown out of and dont vibe w anymore. i think i have a pretty good social group when it comes go school , but outside of school, it completely vanishes. i have one friend who i hang out w all the time at school and we text ......   1 reply
07 06,2024

nyan cat's answer ( All 2 )

yass thats the @ :3   2 reply
16 06,2024
about question
rawr   1 reply
15 06,2024

nyan cat's question ( All 2 )

guys ..
ive been total loser for the past three years
i ysed to be so outgoing but after covid my social skills died. my last “relationship” (we never even held hands LOLOLOL) was 4 years ago when i was in middle school after i had a huge crush on this guy for two years but never made a move so i didnt talk to any guys during that period too.
now ive totally forgotten how to talk to guys but j also js hate men in general
what do i do when im actually ineterested in someone ?!?!?
01 09,2024
about question
nyan cat
16 06,2024
omg for the past year i've been getting back into my old phases. im so obsessed with slime, squishies, asmr, anime, collecting, etc; js all the things from my childhood. and i feel like everyone is also on the same boat lol?? i wonder why now all of a sudden everyone is going back to their old hobbies and those "cringe" phases are now cool again.

i think its so silly tho i love it :3
16 06,2024