nyan cat created a topic of Work Love Balance
nyan cat created a topic of Under the Green Light
nyan cat asked question about ask for a guys number

guys .. ive been total loser for the past three years i ysed to be so outgoing but after covid my social skills died. my last “relationship” (we never even held hands LOLOLOL) was 4 years ago when i was in middle school after i had a huge crush on this guy for two years but never made a move so i didnt talk to any guys during that period too. ......

nyan cat asked a question

guys i need highschool angst right now!!!! bl,gl straight idc pls
no tragedy tho i want to be happy

nyan cat created a topic of High Pulse

if this boy doesnt open his damn mouth and talk im gonna lose my mind
why is there more narration than dialogue???

nyan cat followed a list
21 07,2024
nyan cat created a topic of Sketch

i really liked this story in season one but i feel like after mc snd ml got together its js been like all over the place. i get establishing trauma and communication but i feel like this trauma is going in all directions and it never seems to end. even worse mc keeps puttinf ml in crazy situations that js make unnecessary drama
pls i js wanna see them being cute and cuddly together no more

nyan cat asked question about question

omg for the past year i've been getting back into my old phases. im so obsessed with slime, squishies, asmr, anime, collecting, etc; js all the things from my childhood. and i feel like everyone is also on the same boat lol?? i wonder why now all of a sudden everyone is going back to their old hobbies and those "cringe" phases are now cool again. ......

nyan cat asked question about making friends

who wants to be friends lol :P

nyan cat answered question about question
nyan cat followed a list
10 06,2024
nyan cat shared experience about friends
guys so im a highschooler rn and recently (like past two years) ive sorta lost a lot of friends. some ive dropped, some ive js grown out of and dont vibe w anymore. i think i have a pretty good social group when it comes go school , but outside of school, it completely vanishes. i have one friend who i hang out w all the time at school and we text ......
nyan cat followed a list
02 06,2024
nyan cat created a topic of Nerd Project
nyan cat created a topic of Shangri La no Tori
nyan cat followed a list