Sorry, kinda confused, I'm seeing a lot of comment about him having autism, is that confirmed or is that just speculation? And why is everyone fighting about it?
Also this manga was great I loved it (⌒▽⌒)
It's just speculation. As far as fights, i haven't seen any? I HAVE noticed from my talks with 3 people that the ones who believe it's true are VERY strong in their beliefs, it's hard talking to them without them taking offense. I had posted a topic literally just saying "it isn't canon" and got quite a bit of backlash.
I found it pretty interesting how they portrayed his trauma, instead of sticking with the common way of showing it, they actually showed an even darker side to the trauma because now that its directly tied to his sexual pleasures, which would normally be something people do to feel good, but now he's kinda just caught in this endless loop of physical pleasure and mental pain.
Also just that feel of hating the fact that you would still feel it despite the trauma would be even scarier and make him feel even worse everytime he does it.