LilyLo created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

I would much rather read great translations by Bingsoo where everything is perfectly understandable than low quality, rushed translations from anyone else. If you haven’t already, I think it would be great to start implementing placeholders.

LilyLo created a topic of In the Doghouse

Everyone’s freaking out about the sick size and I’m just kicking my feet and giggling over richard’s reactions. My bad gang

I understand there’s a reason he can’t get bigger and he’s cute and all but come on man 100 chapters in and you can’t even give him a couple inches of height for all the mental growth he’s had???

Q’s legs dragging on the floor while Lyle is trying to be chivalrous was the funniest thing ever omg this story was great

LilyLo created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

This chapter was so short I feel robbed

LilyLo created a topic of Leash Me Up

Considering Jace had those type of interests before he even met his Sunbae, it’s super lame we didn’t get to see Noel really embody the role of a Dom for Jace.

LilyLo created a topic of Kocchi Muite Glare

I wish you nothing but happiness from here on thank you so much

LilyLo created a topic of Kocchi Muite Glare

Our Messiah. Thank you so much for the translations. Even if the other chapters don’t get translated, I feel satisfied from the 3 chapter feast, all in one year

LilyLo created a topic of Kocchi Muite Glare

So heartbreaking when such good stories get updated so infrequently if anyone has a link to an English translation of this (that’s completed) that I can pay for pls lmk

LilyLo created a topic of Unripened Expression

I was on chapter 55 and was getting real sick and tired of the love triangle so I decided to come to the comment section to ask if it’s worth it to keep reading. Then I see that Junseo isn’t even endgame?? Why make him such a prominent character then??? I’m glad I didn’t keep reading but also give me back the time I wasted reading those 54 chapters.

LilyLo created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

Perhaps Jistar isn’t as much of an idiot as we thought he was lol and has finally pieced together that Neutaa and his neighbor are the same person? If that’s true I wonder how he’ll act w/ him in person ? Someone who’s read the raws - lmk if I’m wrong

If you’re worried about your translations I think it would be good to read the chapter from the start and see if it all makes sense together. If not then reword some things so it’s more cohesive. Not everything has to be a direct translation. But I still think you’re doing great and I know a lot of people appreciate your efforts! If people wanna be rude they can either translate it themselves or kicks rocks <3

LilyLo created a topic of Hidoku Shinaide

It’s been yeaaaarrrss since I read this. Maybe even over a decade . To think I could read it all over and there’s stiiiill more new content of them. My original boys They walked so BL Alex could run

LilyLo created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

I think that drawing proved to Seyeong that Heejae was actually serious about him and that’s why he got all blushy ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

Zinchan is a waste of time. Endless popups and the translations are trash just gonna have to wait patiently here

LilyLo created a topic of Define The Relationship

I agree that consent is a very serious topic and in real world stories it should always be dealt with as such. However, in a world where people go through stages where their quite literal “animal instincts” come out, I feel a bit of grace should be given to the characters. Especially if the recipient himself understands this fact and bears no ill will.

LilyLo created a topic of Itonaga-kun no Koi no Ito

The comments from when I read it back then and now are so different but idc. I still love this story. People are not carbon copies of each other. They have complex feelings and , yes, will sometimes react in ways you don’t deem appropriate. That’s what makes them human.

LilyLo created a topic of Define The Relationship

Lyle will always be in our hearts. May he rest in peace.

LilyLo created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

I need recs for other stories that will have me kicking my feet like this one does