Seijirou is 32 years old and Ryou is 20 in the beginning. Chapter 1 Page 29 shows Seijirou's age and he stated that Ryou is almost 12 years younger (Chapter 1 Page 26) which makes Ryou roughly 20 years old.
The age gap is 12 years which isn't that bad. After all, if the two characters were instead something like 40 and 28, this wouldn't have been an issue among the people commenting about it. If anything, I'd understand if some of you were uncomfortable because more people nowadays tend to stick to the single digit range for age gaps so 12 isn't common.
Or maybe some of you guys that are bashing on the story are talking about the mental maturity? It's already been proven that Ryou is much more mentally mature than his physical age so not sure if that still poses an issue.

Where does it state that? The legal adulthood age in JP currently is 20. There's a bit saying he's underage so that just means he's 19 approaching 20 if anything.
There's no mention of 17 or 18, the law stating 18 as the legal adulthood age doesn't go into effect until 2022. The translator also made a note that they mistranslated and that Seijirou is actually 32. This means Ryou has to be 20+ at the end to match the fact that he's 12 years apart from Seijirou.

He's also a highschooler so no, he's not 20+.

That doesn't explicitly state that Ryou is 18 at the end and possibly 17 at the beginning. All that one page shows is that he's underage with no real number.
If you want to mention facts, then that's why it was explicitly stated in the beginning that Seijirou was 32 and that he's 12 years older than Ryou meaning Ryou's more or less 20. Since they mentioned underage, that would mean Ryou's 19 approaching 20 since that's the next number closest to the 12 year age gap. These are the facts on the translation whereas assuming he's 18 at the end isn't a fact.
There's no need to connect the dots when the lines were already drawn. The only one who can really clarify this would be the translator if they messed up somewhere, but instead of spreading assumptions, I'd rather spread facts.

That's where you're better off asking the author.
The whole calculation of Ryou's age comes from the introduction in the beginning where Seijirou narrated that he's almost 12 years older than Ryou as a 32 year old man. 32 - 12 = 20. I'd like to know why Ryou is that old too in high school, but there's no answer there because it's a piece of information the author never really provided.

She never provided this piece of information because he's not 20, he's 18 (since there's a 12 year age gap). It's rare to repeat even one year in Japan, two years is even more far-fetched. It would only happen due to something severe, like a long illness or a case of bullying that made him unable to go to school for years. Most importantly, the author would have stated it in th every first chapter, precisely because it's so uncommon.
The original translator made a mistake. The new translator clarified that the japanese character for Ryou's age meant either 30 or "someone in their thirties". Initially they went with 30 because this is the only logical deduction based on common sense and every other indication in the story. They only went with 32 in this chapter because they chose to trust the first translation even though it makes no sense narratively.

Ok, this is where it still doesn't make sense. The legal age for adulthood in Japan is 20. If we're going to go with common sense, the manga is implying that they wait til Ryou graduates to be legal = he turns 20. With the new translator, on Chapter 6 Page 11, we learn that Ryou was in his 3rd year when he met Seijirou. Assuming there's a 4th year, he only had one more year of school to go which matches again with Chapter 6 Page 12 (and onwards) when Seijirou states that one year passes by in a blink of an eye.
This comes out to being: Ryou graduated in one year and becomes legal. This would mean he was 19 during his third year and then 20 after graduation. This matches more with the original translator stating Seijirou is 32. Narratively, with the legal age being 20, this matches the original translator and is why I presume the new translator trusted the first translation.
If Ryou was 18, he's still underage so there wouldn't have been any "point" to Seijirou waiting. The new law lowering the legal age for adulthood from 20 to 18 doesn't go into effect until 2022. If we want to say Ryou is 18 after graduation, the only assumption we can make here is that this story wasn't written in the current Japanese setting, but rather a pseudo-Japan where the legal age is 18.
Also, I just read the raws. The JP characters used show "3," "10," and "2" meaning Seijirou is actually 32.

Sign me tf up. While it's becoming common for villainess theme webtoons/stories to include a degree of self-confidence and/or independence, very few write them as active as this MC who willingly takes up a dagger and holds it against a man just because she's done with his bull.
This is one of the few villainess webtoons that are refreshing to read.

Disclaimer: Before any of you message me saying I'm supporting/justifying rape JUST BECAUSE I'M CRITICIZING THE WRITING, please check yourself lmao. I am in no way supporting or justifying rape. Rape is never justifiable til the end of time and even beyond that.
Jace's situation is horrible, his trauma is tragic, and he just got out of another traumatic run-in with the Duke, but based on the WRITING, his actions dictate that he's still aware of his surroundings. With this in mind:
He's caught Noah from spending an excessive amount of money, yet somehow didn't consider how dangerous this could be. They don't have any guards (amazing!) and by now Phil has established himself as an ignorant extra. He decides to LEAVE Noah just by seeing Fred? Leave a dumb child in public and go hide? Big forehead energy. Just take Noah with you to hide. Show him some other things Noah hasn't been exposed to as an excuse to stay out of Fred's line of sight while keeping an eye on the fountain for Phil's return or something. He talked about how he wanted to help Noah because of what he remembers as a kid and had a good thing going then screws it up. This entire issue is unfortunately his fault regardless of his fears and it's disappointing. Yes, he got triggered by trauma, but that doesn't excuse his dumb decision. Being triggered by trauma and making smart decisions are not mutually exclusive.
Now Phil...he can carry Jace in one fell swoop yet doesn't carry Noah??? A child??? Excluding any complications that a servant shouldn't touch their master or some shit, this is forehead squared energy. Ah yes, leave the young master you serve in the middle of a square with a tutor you more or less barely know. What could go wrong? On top of this, for someone who's "friendly" with Jace, he didn't notice Jace was antsy the whole time? A failure of a servant. From an objective standpoint, he is just an absolute tool and is actually a tool just to make the Duke conflicted about his own emotions. Absolutely disappointing through and through. What's the point of building up his character then? Oh right, this is a "comedy" where everything written so far has "elements of humor" mixed in. Author's writing is questionable.
Why is the author writing like this. It's making it seem like the author threw in all the heavy scenes with rape/sexual assault as if their purpose was to "spice" up the "story" for very little purpose. If those scenes were taken out and just replaced something like Jace accidently confessing to the Duke while high on drugs/drunk and he's just been awkward with the Duke the entire time, nearly everything would be exactly the same.

I think this is one of the power-trip storylines that is best taken from a comedic standpoint. MC will obviously have plot armor in some way, but the idea of a "tamer" class executed in this manner is rare.
Taking this story less seriously made it more enjoyable. Yeah the story is repetitive and MC will just win, but the rest of the writing is nice at least. There's no annoying harem, we're just witnessing a gamer's obsession with gaming.

Man y'all blasting the Duke when the MC also put the Duke through non-con sex. Sure they were when he thought he was dreaming/under the influence of drugs, but he ultimately finds out that they were in fact very much real. Truthfully, the Duke should have physically refused here, but because of the author's writing, he went through with it. The second sex scene is when the MC is buzzed (but still sober enough to know what he's saying), and he had to have sex another time with the Duke not willing (only did it since Jace protected Noah). Everything from the start was bad. This is just yaoi logic lmao as unfortunate as it is. Now we're just going through a classic case of yaoi 101: misunderstandings and lack of communication 101. We've yet to see any sex where both parties consented to each other in a clear/sober state.
Let's face it, Jace is setup to be a smart person, but he's obviously not showing it despite how cocky he acts to hide his own faults and how he's trying to hide his sexual orientation. He's book-smart and is severely lacking elsewhere including his personality. Duke is younger than Jace, and was never gay in the first place. To him, this is all bewildering as a guy he hired only for 1-2 months jumps him, takes his dick and acts like nothing happened two nights in a row. Literally the only character that isn't flawed is Noah because he's a young, dumb child. Phil is also technically flawed, who would accept circus tickets and not offer them to your master especially when he's right there. For a butler/servant at the time (in the historical setting), it's a bit awkward.
I was hoping for some sort of mutual love (with consensual scenes) to form, but this chapter was absolutely not it. Guess there's a reason this series doesn't have the Romance tag. It's historical yaoi with "comedy" in the form of dumb himbo energy.

Honestly there's no reason the mc should've done that but again HE was under the influence of drugs and thought he was dreaming and I honestly don't see that as the same thing that happened in this chapter because he was actually unaware when he was on drugs. Whereas this scene was not done u der the influence of anything. People can be upset at rape if they want to be.
Some of y'all write essays trying to justify it

I agree it wasn't the same thing. Unfortunately, it's just that essentially all scenes so far were non-consensual. The factors surrounding each case matter and obviously the first scene was under the influence of drugs (anesthesia) which is more or less out of Jace's control and is why I noted the Duke should have refused. Having sex with someone under the influence is non-con and shouldn't happen in the first place.
Rape can never be justified in any way ever. People SHOULD be upset at rape. Sex SHOULD be consensual. If you actually interpreted some part of my comment as "justifying" rape, by all means please enlighten me because I will fix it lmao.

Coming back to this now, I still can't believe some people thought I was justifying rape with my topic/comment when some of the other topics written are extremely questionable.
Apparently pointing out that the writing is poor constitutes as justifying rape to some???? I happily edited this topic to remove what triggered them (changing one of my last sentences "It's just best to not expect any real romance" to "I was hoping for some sort of mutual love (with consensual scenes) to form, but this chapter was absolutely not it"), but I'm reading some other comments that were posted and I don't see them marching around telling them off.

While I get the premise of this series, it's pretty disgusting.
I'm not even talking about the moral aspect. It prefaces that it's non-consensual. It's the fact that the MC is controlling these guys while in public or going about their daily lives instead of their dreams to get essence. While she obviously isn't your typical succubus, a lot of these scenarios make more sense if it occurred in their dreams instead of like endangering their well-being out in the real world.
But then again what am I expecting? This is just a self-insert of a horny fujoshi wanting to see men more or less humiliated. Pretty sure those of you (or maybe some of you) reading this (and enjoying it) are probably finding out more of your own kinks too LOL.

it IS in their dreams. its all illusions and hallucinations. they might have the dreams in public but nothing is happening to them in public. but also even if it was....who cares? lol. succubi dont exist and this could never ever happen in real life. (but its not even happening in this fictional story about made up cartoon men that is purely meant to be used as porn)

i'm not into non-con but i really wanna see guys being expressive once in a non-bl manga. straight hentai is like %99 for men and josei smut manga artists think that women are only into getting absolutely dominated and sexually harassed by their rich boss with dead facial expressions. at some point you completely forget that it's supposed to be porn cause you're too busy getting angry at some love triangle drama or fl acting really really dumb. what choice do we even have lmao

Yeah I came to terms with it (the fact that this is just porn for the sake of porn) after I posted this topic/comment. I feel bad for Don Plower (love the name lmao) because he got labelled as a lunatic since he orgasmed both in public and in front of the medical staff while muttering absentmindedly. What made me confused was why this series has the drama tag in the first place because there isn't any drama and it was misleading as there's no story to even have drama.
Regarding my original post, my train of thought was more related to how the MC described the traditional method for succubi was them going to sleeping humans rather than conscious humans to extract essence (and she chose to chase the latter which makes little sense because it says she's extremely introverted and anti-social). Specifically, actual dreams vs hallucinations in public are two different things and is the only thing from your statement that I disagree with. One is an amalgamation of thoughts during sleep which ultimately ends strictly as a fantasy while the other is an effect of distorted senses which may land one into a mental ward.
I suppose this has little meaning since MC is obviously not your typical succubus on top of the fact this is basically a comedic fantasy take on porn, which is why I added the note at the end that this is more or less a fujoshi self-insert.
Also, for anyone else reading this lmao, just because I personally think it's disgusting, doesn't mean I think this should be abhorred or disallowed. In fact, from a smut standpoint, I think this is great because the theme of men being dominated is pretty scarce among other webtoons/comics that this is wonderful. I'm all for cartoon men getting dominated. Hope the author writes in an orgy which would be hilarious.

i mean idk about an orgy but we do get a threesome between succubus and two mafia guys/career criminals. (one is an tan older daddy type hehe). and then the second guy the blonde with glasses does the whole chikan fetish (so basically getting molested on the train, tho he also gets fucked on the train by a bunch of faceless imaginary guys cause this is part fujo fantasy and part femdom fantasy). anyway its just hentai but hentai for /women/ by a woman and its refreshing af. ive seen my share of gross weird dark hentai and am i guess unbothered at this point? (sorry mom! im desentized now! your daughter is a peeervert~). anyway girls like fucked up porn too but almost all of the fucked up porn for the gals is BL and this does have some elements also found in smutty pwp raunchy BL but unlike those this has a female MC and all events are essentially orchestrated by her. its fine if its not for u tho. i do wish more people had seen the warning and listened to it. like if ur going in being already comfy with this kind of porn outside of femdom genre then this should be fine but if ur not then ofc it being femdom wont make it less gross or upsetting. that said i confess i dont understand anyone feeling bad for these fictional dudes. like they arent written with deep internal lives, even if u get embarassed in public irl, seoul is so busy and populated, there's no way one guy cumming in his pants in public will be remembered for all time. he'll be FINE. but ofc we dont know anything about him (or anyone else in these stories0 beyond that he's hot and has some weird fetishes. dassit. so yeah i shed no tears lol. (but i also dont get second hand embarassed easily nor do i have issues with like cringe elements or cringe comedy and i think this porntoon functions with alot of that)

Honestly I think I read most of them too this are the ones that come to mind if you know more please tell me
flower, sadistic beauty, no holes barred, How I came to like my male friend, is it wrong to Get done by a girl?, let's try sm with me, sex exercises, the blood of madam Giselle, lady & maid, Which Do You Prefer?....

ty for the recs! some of these might not be explicit femdom but they def give off that vibe

This is great. I sincerely hope she faces some sort of a consequence.
MC is from another world, with more knowledge in her hands than anyone else, going into a fight for an imperial dispute and just drinks something she picks up willy-nilly? She deserves what she had coming for her. This match is a huge political deal and she's acting like there's zero issue when the writing clearly explained who the Duke was.
Some of you all blaming the mercenary knight/escort but he has to do this to survive whereas the MC is treating it like a light game for zero reason. While his actions are morally questionable, he's fighting to protect his own skin.
Obviously MC has plot armor so she won't be dying or anything, but this looks like a good wake-up call for her.

I sincerely hope the MC doesn't stick by her no-killing code because this is an imperial dispute. Having a no-killing code is equivalent to announcing that you're extremely naïve and it will come back to bite her.
While this is a fantasy romance, her actions need to have meaning as well as make an impact on others.
If she does stick to her code, that's a huge disappointment for us readers.

No, I believe Selena said it cause she knows the prince would order her to kill Latio in the future — just like how the prince ordered Celestine to kill Latio in the novel. And we all know the result of the assasination — Celestine getting killed. At that time, she was so absorbed in the fact that she had to avoid every possible link to the original characters to avoid getting executed. And now that she has to act like she was Celestine, the pressure of interacting with Prince Ignis scared her. She is scared of ending up like Celestine in the original book.

Thank you. I feel like many don't remember this part and it's pretty important since it distinguishes what she personally believes is or is not ok to do. Just to echo your words, yeah she told the prince no killing because she doesn't want to be tasked with attempting to assassinate Letio (and fail), but with the way she worded it to the prince, it just sounds like she doesn't want blood on her hands. So from the prince's perspective, she's like a pacifist.
With this note, hope she doesn't do a double-take and do something silly like adhering to that code. MC has a tendency to try and keep up appearances for the main story even though the story is not as relevant anymore since it's changed. We can see that she's more or less realized this already, but she's still struggling to keep everything under wraps.
Like, we get it, misunderstandings and lack of proper communications are overused tropes in yaoi/BL, but this could be next level. Story being near trash doesn't help.
MC is being forced to play as the dumb bottom who takes things too lightly and more or less betrayed the ML's trust. On top of this, he didn't communicate properly to the ML. ML didn't give MC time or was patient enough, but he wasn't entirely harsh either since the MC didn't show that he trusted him.
Story is incredibly rushed, but what we learn is:
MC isn't well off financially and is working to make ends meet. A guy associated to his former workplace is harassing him and almost attempted to rape him? He gets saved by the ML and they have what's essentially supposed to be a platonic relationship (ML looks out for MC because of his duty as class president). Despite this, after one night of MC helping the ML with his rut, the ML suddenly likes the MC? Makes nearly zero sense.
ML REQUESTED the MC to not go near the guy who sexually harassed him and the omega girl (Chapter 10 Page 8, another mention on Chapter 11 Page 18 & 21). Does the MC listen? No. He took it lightly despite the ML defining that he should stay away or be wary.
Then out of nowhere, the same guy who harassed MC is now overly friendly? Helps our MC? Where's the development? Makes zero sense here. Even when the guy dragged him off, MC didn't bother clarifying it to the ML. We get to the club scene and MC not only came in with the guy he was supposed to stay away from, but then decides to avoid the ML + greet the omega girl (Hannah) that he was also told to stay away from. While the MC explains his case here when he got caught by the ML, it doesn't change the fact he betrayed the ML's trust.
We get to the new chapters where MC finds out that not only is he actually an omega, he's pregnant. Instead of contacting the ML first, he decides to not say anything because he believes the ML will be on his side no matter way (what the actual fk people have limits dude, nobody is a complete saint). Of course, he runs into Hannah and complicates it even further. Was he wrong to talk to Hannah here? No, but he also doesn't realize that he's not being careful with how the ML feels. As we would expect, drama ensues because the ML saw the MC talking to Hannah despite everything that happened last night (betrayed the ML's trust yet again more or less). At this point, ML is feeling betrayed and honestly has every right to feel that way.
MC doesn't communicate what he needs to say properly, he then also didn't even stand up for himself and just left a misunderstanding he COULD HAVE CORRECTED. ML clearly states that the MC took his feelings for him lightly. After this we get to the scene with the MC crying outside the door being all upset about the situation. He then seems to blame the ML for not being nice anymore? He then says "I can't understand this situation at all." If you don't get it...ask for clarification? Elaborate? Talk?
I don't know guys. Yes the ML was being harsh, but the MC has been disrespectful tot he ML for a while. The blame for this drama also lies with the MC.