I recently told my sister im lesbian and now all she calls me is "you gay b*tch" and would do and say some stereotype sh*t like one time she showed me a picture of sleeping postures and had me pick the ones i sleep like and then she had the FUCKING BLOODY HELL NERVE to tell me "you only sleep like that because your gay" and then she showed me the girl with her whole body under the fucking cover and said "you didn't pick this one cause your gay" like how in the hell's bells is that fucking gay i was about to go apeshit on her. She's such a fucking tosser.
This is just an idea since im bored but how about mangago users add each other on duolingo and we all practice Japanese or Korean i havent decided yet and the user with the most points at the end of the week will receive lingots from other users. If your interested make sure you sign up with your mangago username so i can know who you are. User: Ѵ∤ⱣΣɌ