I checked the link u guys sent but i'm totally clueless of tumblr and I seriously can't figure out how to read the manga there all I see is comments from users >< I want to read from there since the translator said they will stop translating if their work gets uploaded elsewhere but I just can't figure how T_T

I searched the tumblr a bit and there is a link if u check the right side of their tumblr that says masterlist if u go there u can find this manga and other works of the translator I'm leaving a link here to her tumblr on the second season of this manga to make it easier for those who are as clueless as I am
Hello Xie thanks a whoooole lot for all the chapters you have uploaded so far I am very grateful for all your hard work on this and I feel really ashamed that there are actually people demanding things from you since it's not like you have any obligation to them or you get money for it! If it causes you stress then I have to agree with you on stopping the updates please don't let those kind of people get to you ^_^