eef want to do ( All 2 )

first kiss i like crying

eef's experience ( All 2 )

My brother was who I came out to first, he was confused but now understands it. My dad always told me that no matter who I brought home, regardless of race, gender, or whatever as long as they were respectful it would be fine. So it was easy to come out to him. My mom easily was accepting as well. I was really nervous to tell my religious grandpare......   1 reply
31 07,2020
I found out she was straight through a friend. It crushed me, but it's been a few months since then and I believe I'm over her. ( ̄∇ ̄")   reply
31 07,2020

eef's answer ( All 0 )

eef's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did making friends on mangago

Never did and dont want to. Let's just be friendly but not friends :D

6 seconds
did reject a love confession

Multiple times. They weren't my type and I wasnt ready to commit :|

57 seconds
want to do eat without getting fat

I wish. I have to control my calories like a hawk otherwise I will over eat and gain weight.

2 minutes