Ok help lol. So basically i really need help with my sexuality to know if im bi or not. I like guys a lot like a lot lot but sometimes i have fantasies with these girls (most of them are 2D), but I never ever have had a crush on a girl before only on guys.
h e l p
being confused about your sexuality is perfectly fine and normal. experimenting with different people will probably ultimately decide your sexuality later on, but it’s not necessarily a bad thing to not fit under a ‘label’. not everything needs to be in black and white; you don’t need to label yourself bi or straight if you really aren’t sure. in the end, it just matters who you end up liking and dating, so don’t worry too much about it :) good luck
Did you all not forget the guy literally got sexually harassed by that girl in chapter 11. She legit tried to put it in her without his consent and you all are talking about him thinking about raping her when she showed hm the picture. Ye thats bad bUT tHE giRL lEGIT nEARLY rAPED HiM