LayLights created a topic of Turn Off the Camera!

Disappointed it didn't become poly when it has so much potential to be one. They could've written romantic tension between Yohan and Yoojin since they were already HELLA compatible physically, and Jihoon would've fit into the dynamic beautifully, he wouldn't have fucked anything up since they both took an interest in him. And for once, finally, I could've read a webtoon/manga/manhawa that actually does poly some justice with a good story. Like, seriously, I don't think I know any good poly stories... T- T

That's not to say I didn't enjoy this for what it was, though. It was for sure hot. Sexy. I just would've loved it SO MUCH MORE if they were all **romantical** together~ ₍₍(ú/w //ù)⁾⁾

It's just SO CUTE!!

I know people were put off by Sooji (the Uke) in the beginning, and how forward Jaemin (the Seme) was as well, but I think it smoothed out towards the end, starting at chapter 3. They are just so hot and cute together, it's everything I want and love in a BL!

I'm, simply, in love~

LayLights followed a list

☆ The classic combo: Tall seme and Short uke ☆

• Some ukes are really small, some are just quite 
 smaller than the seme, check the description for 
  more info about height and body proportions •

 Suuuuper small uke 

 Giant Seme 

 Call the Police !!! 
 Biggest size differences (how did it fit?)

 List Does not include old/vintage mangas 

 All stories have rape/sensitive content warning


31 10,2023
LayLights created a topic of Secret Alliance

I literally LOVE Yul, don't get me wrong, but the people victim-blaming Sian are BATSHIT CRAZY! Holy SHIT. I actually can not fucking believe that I'm seeing topics that are like 'it's all Sian's fault!' Bitch? No?? It's not?? AT ALL??? I'm so- just- kind of pissed right now. You don't do that. It was the fault of Yul's parents, the bullies, and maybe even Sian's mom, but you can't put ANY of this on Sian- like, da fuq? NO!

LayLights created a topic of Secret Alliance

I never thought I'd cry over a fucking YANDERE of all people

I love the ending, but it had me crying my eyes out. He loves her so truly, but has no idea how to love someone properly (nor appropriately or healthily), my poor boy! I hope he finds someone to make his life shine the way Sian did someday, but with a better frame of mind, so he can do right by that person.

What really made me cry was the good memories between Yul and Sian being remembered by Sian instead of Yul this time. That pulled so fucking hard that I had to stifle my cries into my pillow.

Don't get me wrong, this is the best ending all three of them could've gotten- I'd actually be pretty sad, mad, and disappointed if Sian ended up with Yul somehow. Would I have loved and cried more if there was another scene, like Sian writing back a final 'I forgive you' sort of letter? Probably, but no, because what we got truly made the most sense. And made me absolutely bawl my eyes out— seriously! I am so sensitive right now, I just want to cradle Yul's head in my hands and shield him from the bad in this world. Want to shield him from the pain of the shadows and insects that intrude his mind. Want to show him what loving someone really looks like. (Not me, but like, I want to watch another character do that to him.)

Same with Sian, but she has Yujin to do that for her, and it really did add happy tears to the bittersweet ones when I was reading. Never was I rooting for Yul to get with her, but I definitely always felt bad for him in one way or another with each chapter that was in his POV or heavily involved him.

I say this like Yul is my favorite, he's not (not entirely, anyways), I am actually in love with Sian, she's my favorite. She's just so goddamn precious and kind, and I love her dynamic with Yujin! Ugh, this whole manga was just such a fucking banger, and I'm probably gonna cry some more about it.

LayLights says:

Idk if anyone cares, but if they see that I favorited 'World would be 98% better if Mingwa retire' then they'll see this, which is that I do not agree with that sentiment, I just don't wanna lose the Topic thread that has my replies.

LayLights like topic of Jinx

World would be 98% better if Mingwa retire

LayLights like topic of Jinx

Ok so i see multiple opinions and multiple views on this story, and the comment section is wild and unruly and quite frankly extremely hateful. The ones who don't like Jinx are harrassing the ones that do in some cases, and the some of the ones who like Jinx are somehow hellbent on making people quit reading Jinx if they express the tiniest discomfort towards Jaekyung. Now let me tell y'all something

I have a fairly objective view of this story ngl.

What Jaekyung has done to Dan isn't rape per say but is most definitely dubious consent and forceful sex that both humiliated as well exhausts Dan. There's nothing good about it and people are allowed to call it out, since it's a free comment section. There are people who blindly defend him because he's handsome and hot. That's all that he has going for him to be honest. But there are people who enjoy the story and are allowed to do so. People who don't enjoy it shouldn't bash others' opinions just because it doesn't match theirs.

Unless the commentator is defending Jaekyung's actions and trying to excuse them, I'm not sure why someone would pick a fight with them? Also same case with the ones who are commenting or calling Jaekyung out. Now I know it's tiring to see people continuously hating on him or calling him out, as a Jinx enjoyer, however y'all have to understand that many of them are rightfully allowed to do so. And one can't just tell them to drop the manhwa since it doesn't always work like that? I don't like Jaekyung but I'll stick around because I like the other characters. I'm allowed to do so as well. People have different reasons to like a Manhwa.

Let's be civil and try to resolve everything in a peaceful manner man. Why does everything have to turn into a full blown internet war just because my opinion doesn't match with yours??

Just accept the fact that there will be many types of people:
• Ones that enjoy Jinx and are Jaekyung defenders (I don't support their opinions but oh well)
• Ones that enjoy Jinx but aren't blind to Jaekyung's actions
• Ones that don't enjoy Jinx but are sticking around for some other reason
•Ones that hate Jinx and are simply around to hate on the ones that enjoy it (don't support their views either)

LayLights created a topic of Jinx

(Sorry if the Topic Title is misleading, I couldn't think of anything XD)

I haven't read the new chapter, I haven't even read any new topics (except maybe one), but it still somehow came back around to me through direct messages, because of how heated it's getting. It honestly makes me wonder, about a few things actually.

I am an avid reader of Ao3 content (a fandom site where you can freely read and write fanfiction), and have been for years now. I consistently and constantly come across some of the most darkest themes and the unhealthiest of relationship dynamics you could possibly read, but the comments are never really negative. Surprised, shocked maybe, or perhaps even passive aggressive, but never being so forth right about preconceived notions or personal negative biases about a particular topic of the literature, or of the creator themselves, as people can be here. And I think I know why.

One, the comments feed directly to the writer, rather than being set up as a group discussion type commenting, where readers talk to each other about the work. I feel this to be a rather big deterrent when it comes to boldly and loudly criticizing and hating the characterization, writing, or events that happen in the story. At least not without also praising the writing in some way.

Second, which I believe is probably the most important, with how Ao3's tagging system works, it's easy to make it clear your stance on the realities of the thing you're writing about in a fictional sense. Tags like, "Dead Dove: Do Not Eat" "This is Messed Up" "Do Not Read" "Unhealthy Relationships" and just being able to be very explicit and clear with tagging. Even if you don't read fanfiction, I suggest checking out the tagging system, because I believe it to be the most efficient way of implementing a tagging system, and most effective in purpose (you can also find some really fun and funny tags that can be hilariously meta about the writer themselves).

These tags being applied and established by the author/writer themselves, I think, is the final nail in the coffin that makes it hard for people to even want to criticize, critique, or even just hate on a piece of work. Granted, fanwork is completely different from original work in general (as well as manga just being wholely different from Fanfiction in many ways, but they're similar enough in some ways for me to make the distinction and comparison), so levels of critique vary due to that reasoning as well.

It just depends, but I do feel like people would be a lot more reassured and less... Urged to make the comments and topics they do if the Mangaka (Mingwa) would have made these kind of warnings and personal disclaimers themselves. Not everyone, most certainly not. And these topics don't go directly to Mingwa, so there would be no real deterrent. But it's something somewhat fascinating to compare and think about, and I was simply dying to make such a comparison, because I find it interesting. Feel free to add onto this, give your own thoughts, opposal, or don't. Whatever it is, I don't mind.

[I don't really have the energy to debate anyone anymore (or at least right now, and for this chapter) about the ethicalness and morality of Jinx's premise and simple existence, so I won't be joining in or commenting on anyone else's topics. I'll reiterate, I simply thought it'd be nice to openly talk about and compare two sites I regularly, actively, use; where one has a much more healthier community, system, and setup all around.]

LayLights created a topic of Jinx

At this point, I give up. People are gonna have their opinions that they have a right to post and talk about. No fault of anyone's own, but Jinx has not only reached people who like it, but the author being as well know as they are, is gonna reach unintended audiences and has done so already.

It's become clear to me at this point that this story may not even be about any sort of redemption or their relationship reaching any sort of healthy standards. It's a fictional dark romance manga, where obsession and possession tend to mean and equal feelings of love- if there's even any form of that from either of them. Dark Romance takes the darkest parts of what love can be and amplifies them to unhealthy degrees while muddling the purest aspects and feelings associated with love. I know that the entertained audience who actually likes this is probably bigger than the negative viewers (who stick around for their own varied reasons), but they have taken over the topics. And that's fine, but I think it's why the majority of people who actually like what the story has been offering, have not been in the topics so much. I suppose it's simply just somewhat unfortunate that the intended audience doesn't get to have majority of this space for themselves without having to deal with obnoxiously repeated negative sentiments. Understandable why not, but still.

I don't really care what type of reception this gets, I just felt like saying my thoughts aloud, because I'm too tired to bar them.

LayLights created a topic of Secret Inside My Head

This is why I hate TikTok, because it's FILLED to the brim with people so oblivious and ignorant about the type of shit they post. Commented on a few on TikToks directly (I don't think it's many readers from Mangago that are posting these things since we have the topics section, so commenting here I feel like might not help as much), but I don't have the time or patience to do more right now.

My suggestion is you all do the same. The more people who comment on their videos, the better and likelier chance they'll listen. They might even delete some. If people can't find these sites with how easy it is already to do without direction or guidance, they probably shouldn't be on this site to begin with.

To those who are doing it from this site- you've read the notice and other people's own comments on this themselves if you're reading mine. Don't ruin this for us. We just got Topics back, and people really missed these. Not to mention, many are loving this manga (I being one of them).

Don't. Ruin. This.

LayLights created a topic of kiss on the piano

Like, Seriously, where'd it go??? Why'd it get deleted...

LayLights like topic of Jinx

Advice for y'all readers. For those younger readers out there.. don't ever fantasize that real life axxholes like JK will change for the better later.

We can enjoy this fiction but certainly RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN AS IF YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT if you meet someone like JK or as manipulative as the new guy.

PEOPLE DON'T CHANGE. Certainly not overnight and most never will regardless of being brought up by a shitty childhood or similar excuses.

LayLights created a topic of Jinx

People are still gonna complain about this, and there will always be comments. However, I'm just glad that most newer ones aren't talking about how this manga shouldn't exist, that Mingwa's talents are being wasted, or that anyone who likes this is horrible anymore. It's more along the lines of exasperation and annoyance at the character's, JK's, typical antics and wondering how in the world he's gonna be redeemed at this point.

This is the type of interaction with this kind of manga that I like to see. It's not quite as intense and hateful in the comments, and people can openly express things they like about the story now that most of the more critical commenters have left. I actually really like seeing people hating JK's character instead of the Mangaka for making this. It's better this way.

That being said, I'm glad Kim Dan is taking pleasure from these acts now. It was hard to read JK practically torturing him in the beginning. This doesn't excuse JK at all in my eyes, but I've always been here for sweet little Kim Dan, and even if it's from a bad and/or wrong place, his blissful expression is still something that's kept me coming back. I'm sorry, but he's just so fucking adorable and hot, I simply can't help myself–

LayLights created a topic of kiss on the piano

Not gonna lie, this feels almost like a tamer, watered-down version of Jinx. It's definitely not as intense, and even though this is somewhat my kind of taste in manga, I understand the hate and/or criticism of it. I haven't finished it, but even in the beginning, it's obvious the Seme is definitely a mentally unstable and unhealthy individual. Good thing this is all fictional! Takes me out of my head and lets me escape reality with how unrealistic it is... (–/// ω///–)

I was surprised by almost all the topics being negative in some way or another. I felt like some people might be able to relate in some way. Maybe not to the "shipping real people" aspect of it, but to shipping two characters in general and sometimes being unable to help thinking that way when reading/watching/playing something new. Besides, even if it's unethical and slightly immoral to ship two real people together (I personally believe it's fine if you don't go shoving it down their throats, pushing it onto other people, or drawing realistic porn of them, but I still get where others are coming from on the topic), we need to remember that this is fictional, and he's technically shipping two fictional people together, not real people, even if they're real to him. I don't even care for those parts, I could honestly go without them, but it's the principle of the matter being that they're fictional. I understand some not liking this because his behavior makes them uncomfortable though...

Anyways, I personally really liked this manga, mostly because of the character dynamics. They were fun.

LayLights created a topic of Struggle

Why the hell is this tagged Double Penetration?

Like, from my understanding, there aren't even any explicit scenes?

LayLights created a topic of Hojin seonsaengnim

Whelp... Hopefully this gets picked back up by someone soon... (Y//^//Y)

I would definitely read a spin-off manga of Mami-chan and Youki's relationship. I need more manga of femdoms pegging cuties like him, not bara/buff guys.

LayLights created a topic of Until you beg so sweetly

Also, can someone fix chapter 2 already? I have to go to another manga site in order to read it whenever I want to.