LayLights's feed

I was surprised by almost all the topics being negative in some way or another. I felt like some people might be able to relate in some way. Maybe not to the "shipping real people" aspect of it, but to shipping two characters in general and sometimes being unable to help thinking that way when reading/watching/playing something new. Besides, even if it's unethical and slightly immoral to ship two real people together (I personally believe it's fine if you don't go shoving it down their throats, pushing it onto other people, or drawing realistic porn of them, but I still get where others are coming from on the topic), we need to remember that this is fictional, and he's technically shipping two fictional people together, not real people, even if they're real to him. I don't even care for those parts, I could honestly go without them, but it's the principle of the matter being that they're fictional. I understand some not liking this because his behavior makes them uncomfortable though...

Anyways, I personally really liked this manga, mostly because of the character dynamics. They were fun.