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LayLights September 19, 2024 1:04 am

I really don't see what others do in regards to the proportions being insanely off or something. I mean, in some frames, I can sort of understand. Like when the Seme's head looked just a little *too* small. But otherwise, I've seen WAY worse proportions. Or when comparing seme and uke... I mean, yeah, the uke is tiny, and the seme is huge, but that's not entirely unrealistic. Idk, perhaps seeing worse then this has blinded me to what others are talking about.

[I actually really like the proportions of the dicks, they look like they belong on their bodies, unlike some other mangas I've read...]

Other than that, I totally agree on the plot being confusing and all over the place. I enjoyed it none-the-less, lmao.

LayLights September 17, 2024 5:51 pm

This shit is just... Honestly, so good. So fucking easy to reread multiple times. The build up is good, and oddly enough, none of the character development feels rushed. Especially Euihyun. Guy was fucking terrible in the beginning, and not only did he change, but he also acknowledged how fucking terrible he was. MMMM it's sooo good.

Their relationship is 100% unhealthy, but it's genuine. Dysfunctional, but works. It actually feels almost... Realistic? In a way? DON'T DATE A FUCKING RAPIST OR SELFISH MANIPULATOR, they will (almost) NEVER change, that's definitely not realistic! But... Like, the fact that it's not entirely healthy, not the best, but still works and even keeps the relationship strong... Idk, humans are flawed, and yet sometimes love still blooms despite the hardships and obstacles. If that makes sense? Or maybe I'm of a few who grew up in a somewhat toxic, dysfunctional, but loving household...

    Suibian^^ September 17, 2024 6:07 pm

    I love the story, the way the characters development feelings and grew up makes it realistic to me.
    I remerber my mom told the younger me that people don't change for others, don't think they will do it just because you told them, if they want to change it'll be for themselves when they decide to do it.

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Do not come at me about my almost purely
adult (and yaoi) taste in manga. I am a horny
person, and I rarely look for the sweet, fluffy, 
non smut stories. Even though I would probably like- even love them if I gave them a chance XD

Especially because I have read and loved tame
stories on here before—

If you've read any of my comments/replies/
topics and noticed I typed Perspective as 
Prospective, no you didn't. I totally didn't use 
the two interchangeably, thinking they meant 
the same thing, and I definitely know there are 
very distinctly different definitions between the 
two words...

Anyways, having a nuanced perspective is 
important when it comes to critical thinking, 
and I'm here to sometimes provide that, 
depending on my mood. Above all else, Fantasy 
indisputably does NOT equal Reality. Take from that what you will. If you want to have a civil 
debate/discussion about such topics in relation to my proclamation, I'm almost always down forit. That's somewhat of a passion of mine. I'm 
not a difficult person, if you make solid points, 
I'll concede and/or give credit to it.

That's about it, I think... You can learn more 
personal information about me when I give it 
through my topics, replies, and/or comments. 
I'm not much a fan of advertising that stuff.

(If the format of this text looks wonky, I'm 
favoring the view of this page from a phone. It might look better on there.)
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