Hey I’m looking to wallow in some self-pity. There is nothing more that I love than some hurt comfort cause I’d love to be platonically rescued from all my troubles.
( ;∀;) Can I get any recommendations for a yaoi (manga, manhwa, or manhua. I don’t care as long as it’s gay men) featuring the protagonist going through some fucked up angst?
I need that drama, that trauma, that fucking llama.
Nah, forget the llama, but I’ll keep the rest. ヽ(´ー`)
I’d prefer something that wasn’t 90’s early 2000 cause that shit still cracks me up. My username is what it is because of those hands and long body proportions.

Chew and Swallow
Also, here is my list! You have the same taste as me.

Trying to find the name of a certain yaoi manga
I think it was a doujin, but idk the anime/manga it was based on.
The only scene I remember is that the main boy gets accused of stealing from a convenience store and the shop owner rapes him because of it. The boy ends up in really crazy and ridiculous scenarios of where he just gets raped and I just feel so freaking bad for him. It’s wild. Me just typing this out is wild. I remember the guy has black hair, but that’s it. I can’t recall the doujin name.

At best I can remover that it was some random teenagers who stole and the main guy was like, ‘bah, dumb kids.’ And then he gets accused of stealing. Like, all the scenarios he goes through is so fucked up, but that’s the only one I can specifically remember. I think I just really want to know the name cause it just won’t leave my head. And I’m also 99% sure it was a doujin

I searched and nothing came up that stuck out to me. There was one guy with black hair that kinda covered his face, he reminded me a bit of the guy I was talking about, but none of the doujin looks familiar. If I don’t know the anime for the doujin, I go by cover art and hold my breath lol. Thanks for your help though, I appreciate it

You can try this tag and see if u find anything similar looking to the cover. There's 100 pages lol. So good luck. I'll if u find it

I want to say it was a doujin, I have no idea what the anime/manga the doujin was based on though. I only read it once and for some reason it popped in my head today and I want to read it again.
It’s a real fucked up doujin. I don’t remember much, but I know I constantly felt bad for the guy. The most specific scene I remember (in one of the doujin’s, I think there were like 2 of them by the same creator) is that the main character was at a convenience store and the store owner accused him of stealing. He was trying to say it wasn’t him, and then...bam. The owner rapes him as punishment.
YES ITS FUCKED UP. Basically the guy gets raped in every scenario. I felt so bad for him. Like he just couldn’t catch a break.
I’m not here for opinions on the type of yaoi it is, I’m here for answers. Does anyone know what I’m talking about? I would also like to know the anime/manga it was based on (if it was a doujin).
Idk if I’m just trippin or something, but is anyone else getting update notifications for stories you don’t read? Already I got two story update notifications for stories I don’t read. They’re not in my ‘want to read, reading, or already read’ lists nor have I received any notifications of their previous chapters update from say last week. Even when I read the summary none of it rings a bell. It’s just weird and low-key hurting my feelings cause I think something I’m reading has updated, when nothing has been.
I haven't had that happen to me. That's so odd.