i ant get over the fact that he is kinda sleeping with a dog. i mean i get he is a human in one form but only he sees his "human form". so if someone came in imagine how bad that would look it is a good plot but it might have just been better as a shonen AI that way we can see him and the dog getting along you can still have the villan hero thing, everything would be the same just no /sex with a dog undertones yk, is this just me?
idk it has potential but i mean at the end of the day it is still a cat and a dog i mean i get there "furries" {lol} but i mean still he raised them to so it is kinda like doing a dog and a cat that are more like your kids then anything else. Plud i see a lot of mangas that try to do this with pets i forget the name of the other one i saw but idk same issue i dont get the beastiality part i mean i get it is a hard angle to work with but i think a book called "Make me Bark" did a good job they had him be a /dog and it was a lot better because it was semi pet but still fully human i mean i dont want to be to harsh on the book but it just isnt my cup of tea.....