We're on this website, so I think you know what genre I mean. ;)
Preferably short/few chapters, I want a serotonin boost. Generally, I read things rated a 9.0 or above. Try and recommend something I wouldn't have read yet.

Maybe you’ll find a new read here? They’re mostly short save a few webtoons http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangalist/995605/


I read it a while ago and took a screenshot because I thought it was funny. Apparently, I did no save it on my reading list. Any help would be appreciated here.
Only way I could manage to share the image, let me know if it doesn't work. Thanks :)
I'm trying to find this manga, and I swear it was in my reading list, but I can't find it for the life of me.
So, there's this dude with glasses who works in this office and he's initially friends with this other dude, who unbeknownst to him is in an unrequited love with him.
*odd detail i remember, the dude with the unrequited crush had a fish tank in his apartment and they talk about what kind of fish they are, feeding them etc. i'm pretty sure this detail is relevant. i think it came up more than once in the story.
This was a side story to a different couple. Glasses guy helps one of them into the relationship and only realizes he had a crush on him when it's too late. He confides this in his friend who likes him(pretty sure). I don't think I can get more specific than this.
If anyone has any ideas, I would love to hear them. I swear I'll have an epiphany once someone comes up with it.
The original story or the side story, either title would be welcome. Sorry I can't remember much more, you can ask me questions if you think you know lol
I was scrolling through my list for something to read, clicked off if it, clicked back on since the artstyle seemed right and... BAM it's right goddamn there. Lucky break lol
what was it called?