i'm watching like this

kiss tf out of this man

if this get's interrupted...

at least a little scared

bro's gonna say a lot of shit like this today... romantical and whatnot >///<

the next words he chooses will be key

ugh... this internal dialogue is gonna kill me

kinda awesome hearing all this unbridled desire coming from you lol... it's not funny

nope, but he wouldn't be unhappy to know that detail...

i love intense kissing sometimes, especially in this way like... >///<

yeah, he knows bro's lips are soft cuz he smooched him back

you fucked up. what else?

bet you feel bad now, i can see it

haha, you got him there

pick your words carefully homie, bro will take full advantage

bro's getting defensive and being a dick again lol

good to double tap, while i'm on call with my mom lol

well, at least you got it out there