This is why I love Bakugo. People that hate on him don’t see his character development and is stuck on the season one mindset
True facts right here, like what he did wasn’t right but is there no room for redemption? Not only did he go to ‘therapy’, as in he talked about what he did and admit his faults and try to process and be BETTER, but he also decided to prove his sincerity through his ACTIONS. This is why I love Bakugou. Someone who can admit his faults, admit he needed help; admit HE WAS WRONG and TALKED ABOUT IT, and went and PROVED HE WAS SORRY through ACTIONS and is planning on spending as much time as needed to make it up to Deku because he knows FORGIVENESS IS SOMETHING EARNED NOT ASKED FOR and APOLOGIZES ARE SHOWN THROUGH ACTIONS NOT JUST WORDS.
He’s relatable because he’s not perfect, and he feels so very human when we see what he goes through, with jealousy, hate, rejection and desire. He embodies both the ugly and the prideful side of humanity, that most people reject and like to think isn’t there. Of course people aren’t going to like seeing such flaws in a character that isn’t inherently evil or the villain. But the world isn’t so black and white, and neither is BNHA. Bakugou is the first and most realistic out of all of the characters in this story, because he isn’t perfect in all the ‘wrong’ ways. I hope people will be able to realize that a one strike you’re out mentality isn’t the way. They need to not get over the first strike, but learn to accept it, and accept the fact that people can change, and that goes for both stories and real life. positive change is hard to achieve, and I think people should acknowledge that.
Is it bad that I still ship Noah with Dohye. They were so cute in high school and if only they resolved the misunderstanding. But it would have been hard for Noah to confess to what happened so I understand why he didn’t say anything.
Dohye was the light of his life and they even made a promise to marry in France.
omg their first kiss?