I really love the realism of this story and it's slow pace, it's a breath of fresh air compared to all the other BL mangas I've read. I almost don't want Yuiji and Yamato to get together.

Lmao, just the sentence "I almost don't want Yuiji and Yamato to get together" was enough to get 5 thumbs down.
But well I agree.

Yea, I ljust ove their friendship. Can't even describe how much of a wonderful thing i think it is. To be honest little part of me is actually scared of them having feelings for each other. I mean, I hope the mangaka won't fuck it up and turn it into avarage BL, because right now it's gold.

Damn that secretary guy actually looks Asian

Congrats, racist-san . - . b

As CLBlood said, "Stereotype-san" is the what I meant. I'm greatly sorry about using the wrong word. That is all. I don't care to defend my statement or argue about it. I respect if others disagree with me. Wether or not they do or don't, I'd just prefer to not start a comment war over this.
Takane-san X Megane-kun
I just love the people on here XD
ikr everyone's friendly makes meh happy (=・ω・=)
Lol it's cause it's a fairly unknown site so the toxic community hasn't gotten to it yet! XD