On the one hand as a reader, I'm happy our MC is getting some action. On the other hand, these 2 women are sooo naive. As women on a battlefield, they have to be wary of not only their enemies who would only kill them if they're lucky, but also their own allies who might subject them to even worse. Especially as women who aren't even supposed to be there. I hope they don't end up learning any traumatizing lessons.

Yep, Exactly what you say. Now Maxi is going to experience that treatment very well.In the novel, the difference between women who care and others is clearly marked. But it's also exciting how Maxi will learn to defend himself a little more.Although, in my opinion, his personality lacks more drive and reaction.

Man how horny do you have to be to attack the person with magical healing powers who can save you from dying??? I think (I hope) she'll be fine in that aspect. The rest? I think they'll be able to adapt, max has already been on a few missions and helped at a few shelters. It's just upping the level a bit

The princess is such a pointless villainess. Imagine being a whole entire princess and sole heir to the throne, and being jealous of a homeless girl because the bum you successfully bought off still had feelings for her. Like why would she even be pressed about his real feelings? The princess has education, power, and resources. Why would she chase a man who never even wanted her in the first place to the point of throwing away all political sense? I guess she's the perfect candidate for a modern person to get reincarnated into. The author could've put a little more effort into her.

Man was garbage from beginning to end. He never regretted anything he did, he only regretted losing her. He killed her brother ffs. He was a whole criminal, and abuser...I just don't get it. You can't just change all that in the last chapter for the sake of a happy ending and intact family. Sometimes divorce IS a happy ending. What a waste of a good story.

He needs to grow tf up. Over here crying and ruining his own life over a dead man. Maybe since he sent all his pubescent years as a dog, he never matured past age 12, but if that's the case he needs to find a good uncle to confide in so that man can tell this baby boy to get his head out of his own ass

that tina girl needs to grow tf up. cant even fucking move on, then acting like an biatch who cant figure out her feelings tf dude u already lived ur life for the second time around and there's no character development lol that says a lot about u. it would be 100x better if smth where to happen to that guy and she would just end up miserable, i would love to see that

okay first of all tina has been through so much so it’s not crazy for her to not be able to get over her first love. he’s deeply embedded in her past and she only knew one way to love. she loves terriod but not the same way she loved her last lover which is why she doesn’t know she loves terriod. this isn’t her strong suit and she herself has said she wanted to try to love him. he was fine with that until he found out who her past lover was. yes i understand that’s a harsh awakening that she might’ve only said that because you look like her past lover and it’s not easy to get over but if they talked it out properly it would be solved. if tina could convey how she felt for him isn’t the same burning love she had for her king but more of a peaceful river type of love if she could realize that herself it would be solved.

At this point Terriod is more jealous of Theo than hurt that Tina doesn't love him. He already knew that he fell in love first and that Tina was working on her own feelings, she never lied or pretended to offer more than she was ready to give. And he was perfectly fine with all that. But as soon as he found out that there was an actual man with a name and face in her heart, suddenly he wants all her heart immediately. He's being a petty child. It's like expecting a widow to say they don't love their dead spouse anymore. It's an unreasonable and childish expectation. She won't admit that she loves Terriod because she's trying to be honest and gentle with his heart and she's still working through her own grief and understanding of what's happening. She went into this marriage fully prepared for this man to remain an incoherent beast his whole life. She didn't come expecting to be in a real romance. She's doing her best. He's throwing a tantrum.

I agree with you so much . Not just this story but in a lot of comics there is a trend of MLs who act like children and it's just so disgusting. I am 34, I am not impressed by fantasizing about dating someone with zero maturity. The inherent sexism in it all really gets my goat too. Terriod is not entitled to her love. Because this marriage was a coerced political marriage to begin with. Everyone whining about how she's not a good partner - she didn't chose to enter a romantic relationship she married a literal dog to protect her sister.

As a black woman, I can't imagine taking one look a klan grand wizard and falling head over heels in love with him to the point of giving him his own personal slave to abuse. This author has clearly never been or even spoken with an oppressed minority. Cus this is beyond human capacity of madness. Where was her parents or friends to talk sense into her? What kind of life was she living to just latch on to such an evil person who hated her so much? I honestly can't comprehend it

I know it isn't the situation here but plenty of awful people sell their kids to be slaves or labourers either because they want more money or they don't care about the kid. Of course there are some people who don't have a choice and lose their kids to child traficcing or worse. There are so many real life cases of that too cause human beings can be such garbage. Also not to defend the author or anything but they're probably korean (I think, if this is a manhwa) and their country or people might never have had an issue with white supremacy or colonisation by white people so they wouldn't have had the same history as other asian countries and western countries do for them to think in that point of view. My people were enslaved by the british for a long time so our literature either reflects that or it doesn't depending on the author of course.

I understand harming your own kids out of desperation to survive. That would've been understandable. But love? Especially love based on nothing. This man was never kind to her, he didn't save her life, as soon as he was able to think for himself he tried to get rid of her. That's just not how love works. Tbf, voldemort's mother was on the same bullshit, but even she didn't brainwash her own son and make him his father's slave
I appreciate that even the author threw that dumb shit back in her face, like "yeah you shoulda killed me when you had the chance". I can get behind everything else, but that one decision was so nonsensical. Now she's got consequences. Even her father's dumbass blood is on her hands since she let this ass wipe live. I hope she reflects and rectifies her mistake.