I cried over chap 60 :,) he’s not the best but you can’t deny that he had it rough as a kid and the way he acts isn’t his fault (NOT THE RAPE PART BEFORE YALL START TALKING SHIT.) #FUCKYAHWISGRANDMAORWHATEVERTFITIS
that’s true as well but his ugly ass worm of a grandparent always told him to take charge over what’s yours or some shit like that- and since he was told that since he was a kid how could that not have engraved into his behavior towards anyone really- I’m not justifying it or anything but I really don’t think he could help it since he was raised that way. I’m just happy he’s finally getting some character development :,) #FUCKYAHWISGRANDMAORWHATEVERITIS
And that’s fine, but Jooin has zero obligation to date him, stay with him, be friends with him, etc, just because Yawhi liked him from childhood. Also- Saying the say he acts isn't is fault is extremely flawed logic, and takes away the importance and danger of Yahwi’s behavior. Although I agree the grandparent played a part, that doesn’t take away from the fact that Yahwi is an adult, and saying the devalues the actions we’ve seen him do towards Jooin- Which have been aggressive, dominating- And overall an asshole. At that age, (even with the mindset from the grandparent) he should still be able to understand boundaries, and the most basic ideas of consent. He has zero respect for people’s boundaries, and throws a tantrum whenever something doesn’t go his way. That A) Isn’t the grandparents fault, and B) Is 100% on him, not his conditioning.
guess what people , we don’t have to have been in a toxic relationship to know what it’s like :D derps