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Authors who use books on historical costuming to wipe their asses(7) 2024-12-29 0
Camping!!!(2) 2024-04-12 0
Check when finished(2) 2025-01-01 0
Worthy of a casual reread(7) 2024-08-16 0

Elen42564's topics ( All 189 )

Elen42564 January 1, 2025 8:18 pm

I closed the chapter and dropped this the second they started to talk shit about corsets. It's not even like the clothes where anywhere near historically accurate so they brought up corsets just to lie about them. I get that asian artists are likely extremely unaware about anything about western historical fashion outside of what they have seen on tv and movies but if you're going to bring it up the least you can do is like go on Google and check if what you wrote is true.

    nya.nya~ January 3, 2025 12:59 am

    It's a manhwa my love calm down,

    Anonymous January 3, 2025 2:31 am

    lol seriously need to stop with the “Asian artists” bs because you’re generalizing and showing signs of micro aggressions. check yourself before you wreck yourself homie.

    Kokono January 3, 2025 4:52 am
    lol seriously need to stop with the “Asian artists” bs because you’re generalizing and showing signs of micro aggressions. check yourself before you wreck yourself homie. Anonymous

    Danm bro

    Elen42564 January 3, 2025 5:03 pm
    lol seriously need to stop with the “Asian artists” bs because you’re generalizing and showing signs of micro aggressions. check yourself before you wreck yourself homie. Anonymous

    I used the wording "asian artists" cause I've seen this same thing on manga, manhwa and Thai webcomics, and there's nothing wrong with playing in a fantasy setting but I wonder, if a middle school weeabo where writing a "manga" set in historical japan but the only research they do is watching anime and they decide to add a rant about how

    Elen42564 January 3, 2025 5:06 pm
    lol seriously need to stop with the “Asian artists” bs because you’re generalizing and showing signs of micro aggressions. check yourself before you wreck yourself homie. Anonymous

    (ugh, I accidentally hit post) about how obis where stiff and uncomfortable and it was horrible how people where forced to wear something that restricted their movements, would you give that kid the same leniency you're giving this author? Or would you call the kid out on their missinformed opinion?

    Anonymous January 4, 2025 7:00 pm
    (ugh, I accidentally hit post) about how obis where stiff and uncomfortable and it was horrible how people where forced to wear something that restricted their movements, would you give that kid the same lenien... Elen42564

    huh??? sir ma’am, again, you need to check YOURSELF. bc creating a fantasy situation to make your case seems a lot like ur not getting what i was putting down in the first place.

    Anonymous January 4, 2025 7:04 pm
    (ugh, I accidentally hit post) about how obis where stiff and uncomfortable and it was horrible how people where forced to wear something that restricted their movements, would you give that kid the same lenien... Elen42564

    but to answer your question, no, i would not leave a comment about how misinformed they were bc what am I reading? FICTION BABY. I’d say something if the genre was Nonfiction but again i probably wouldn’t because i like to support artists and writers, not put them down based on their own creative writing in a fictional world they created

Elen42564 January 1, 2025 12:54 am

I also need a Mia figure asap

Elen42564's questions ( All 4 )

Elen42564 August 7, 2019 4:11 am

Can someone help me out? I can't remember the title. It was about a boy who gets confessed by his two friends who are super popular guys and he accepts both of the confessions and the boys get angry that he basically was two timing them, but he was in fact in love with both of them

Elen42564 July 26, 2018 4:32 pm

Idk why lately I haven't been able to like comments. Anyone have any idea why? It tells me that I've already liked the comment evne if I haven't and doesn't show my like

    KyoZaNa✿ July 26, 2018 7:18 pm

    It's kind of a bit scary glitch as it's like it works on itself.

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