I'm thinking of dropping this story because the MC is so weak af. Not just physically but also mentally. MC is also dumb at the same time, getting ripped off twice. She's not also special.

HELLO are you stupid she was shock to go into another world AND losing her family AND she didn’t even know anything about that world or how it works so of course she got ripped off and bruh WEAK? the hell not everyone works out to survive she had to study she didn’t had time to exercise when she needed to find a way to get a good job and she wasn’t mentally prepare to face all of those things she wasn’t even expecting and it’s not like you would had done any better gosh

Oooh c'mon, she had five days watching TV that's not playing any shows. She just eat, sleep and blame herself as if it will do something. She should have prepared her mind for those days. At least, she should have been aware on her surroundings and not to trust anybody on the other world. It's more on a common sense. If your unfamiliar to your surroundings, would you trust people around you?

yes actually? generally people are pretty kind. Unless you know that the other person is desperate, you can usually get a pretty good idea of their personality after talking to someone. She did confirm what he said first, and with the information she had there was no way she could have known how important it was to keep things secret. Of course there are shady people everywhere but unless you are paranoid or have a good reason for distrusting someone, you can ususally put your faith in people. There is a reason the honor system works in many places. there is also a reason why scam artists are so successful. it really isn't that strange that she trusted him.
Mommy saving Daddy ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ