this was sooo good!! I felt so bad about what happened to Esau and Hosoo in their childhood but I'm glad they overcame those problems and that they were able to continue loving each other in the process. And the fact that they met three different times in their lifetime, they were definitely meant to be and that makes their story so much sweeter tbh

I wished we could've seen the tattoo in colour omg!!! I really loved this, I truly enjoyed Michiru's and Yuuji's character development and the symbolism of the tattoos for them, this was just amazing honestly.
also the uploader's comments seriously annoyed me, they were being so disrespectful for no reason. Don't hate on the manga just because you don't like tattoos, that's really insensitive because people get tattoos for different reasons (as portrayed in the manga). And "neither of them had character development"??? We must not have read the same manga.
yall im smiling from ear to ear they’re so cute oh em gee