I've read some crazy psychological weird shit but this is really too much, it is borderline dependency on one side and on the other side this crazy mf has no heart, he ain't even pretending. I don't think I will be satisfied EVEN if they gave them a happy ending. The way he's treating the little bro man it's breaking my heart
Not only the ending was not happy, it was unsatisfying. I've read my fair share of sad endings, and yes they are interesting in their own way but THIS one sucked so bad for no reason. Like it was sad, bad, unsatisfying, and didn't even make sense.
I've read some crazy psychological weird shit but this is really too much, it is borderline dependency on one side and on the other side this crazy mf has no heart, he ain't even pretending. I don't think I will be satisfied EVEN if they gave them a happy ending. The way he's treating the little bro man it's breaking my heart