Okay so it's 3 MLs? Is this poly? Is there already a main ML? PLEASE I HATE LOVE TRIANGLESSS

These are not spoilers but speculation, as I have not seen the raws or anything. I think the three hands are:
Suit sleeve = Yijun (reasons are obvious for this one)
Bandaged arm = Gyeongsu (I think it's his because he's in the hospital in a coma because of a suicide attempt)
Tattooed Arm = I think it's the bandmate he was talking to in the alley(I can't remember his name. There are no scenes showing his arms, but considering the MC is tattooed, it would make sense that his bandmate is, too. I'm basing this on nothing really besides a hunch)
I think when MC's bandmate finds out he's sleeping with a guy, he will make moves on MC. I think he'll confess that he has always liked MC but didn't think MC would be interested cause he's not gay.
I think that due to the money that Yijun is paying for the hospital, Gyeongsu will get better medical care and wake up. I think when that happens, he, too, will admit he's in love with MC and that his suicide was a result of losing his belief in his musical dream and hopelessness because of his unrequited love for MC.

This seems like an overused plot. I'm guessing the other students started saying they were gay so MC got defensive and talked shit about ML meanwhile ML was hidden listening to everything so they fought and never met again after that. Don't get me wrong, it seems fun to read but.. it's just an okay story so far

I wouldn't say this is 5 stars because to me something is missing but I can't pin point what that is. The story is amazing, it has actual plot and it's not only smut, I can't say I liked how their relationship started tho, it was clearly forced on the ML's part. If we ignore that, we have a good story with good characters, development and relationship. Truly a 4 out of 5
Honestly it was pretty hard getting through those first episodes cause the second hand embarrassment was INSANE but I really fuck with this story, the characters are nice and their dinamic is fun. (Sure it's non con but to me that doesn't really matter in this type of story)