I dunno why people don’t like this. It’s a deep story and an interesting one. I understand his actions tho it’s stupid but understandable. I want them to get the happy end already
2021-07-01 14:53 marked
Anw,,, when this was still on going I didn't really want Joowon to end up with Haesoo. Choi Joowon was one of the best characters for me. Because for the hundreds of stories I've read this was the first time I actually saw a character change. Without blaming every one else, keeping the distance, being "human". So I didn't really care about who Haesoo would end up with. I only cared about Joowon's happiness, now that it's finish it's pretty clear to me, that no matter what happens Haesoo is Joowon's happiness.
2021-05-25 16:49 marked
The novels side stories is really great because we see Keith suffering due to some issue with Yeonwoo. You can find the novel in wattapad. Type the Spanish title of the story and search.
2021-05-25 11:26 marked
A panel of when they broke up and Joowon called Haesoo to say

"You know, Haesoo. I'm always on your side. I'm your hyung, I'm your friend... I'm just...all yours." And I cried so hard.

Now we have a response from Haesoo,

"It's okay now. You have me."
2021-05-17 12:18 marked
Yall again not hating on Taku but here are some examples of his manipulative,selfish,greedy and asshole behavior :

Exhibit 1 - He wanted to use his sex tape to guilt trip Haesoo in their relationship. He said: “I hoped that guilt would bring you to me”. It only didn't happen cause Haesoo turned down publishing the sex tape. It was not that Taku backed away and stopped himself because he realized how fcked up his actions were. It made Haesoo uncomfortable and weirded out too,, pretty sure this can count as sexual/workplace harassment lmao

Exhibit 2 - In chapter 96’s flashback Taku says "i just want to read the story he writes about me when i'm gone” (his friend calls him an asshole too lol). This is a throwback to Leo telling Joowon over the phone about how Taku uses his models for his work, and then tosses them aside with little regard. He was planning the same with Haesoo, until he later got “attached”. that’s karma ig~

Exhibit 3 - Haesoo expressed that he was unsure/not ready for a relationship. Yet literally RIGHT AFTER his quasi breakup with Joowon, Taku is pressuring him like, "I'm still waiting for an answer". It's weird cause Haesoo's wounds are fresh from his breakup, and Taku is NOT stupid. He knew this and persisted. Haesoo shouldn't have agreed and that's his own fault (HS is not entirely a victim here lets make that clear). Meanwhile Taku? He was flat out taking advantage of Haesoo's broken emotions.

Exhibit 4 - Quote: “It must have been painful for him no doubt, but I still wanted to see more". This was Taku's thought during a photoshoot with Haesoo, which later made Haesoo cry at the exhibition (Chapter 92/93). Taku told Haesoo: "think about having sex with someone you love, but you can never see them again". This was RIGHT AFTER Joowon and Haesoo's big separation. To inflict emotional pain in your partner, and then say you were interested in seeing more? Bruh no… just no.

Exhibit 5 - Quotes: “Every time I saw how sad you were, it felt good.” “You were lonely. You need me because of your unhappiness.” —Chapter 58. This is from Taku's monologue of how Haesoo’s unhappiness made him feel good, because he felt depended on by Haesoo for comfort // hs get away from this man pls haha

Exhibit 6 - Another quote: “If I can’t beat him [jw] one-on-one, then I at least want you [hs] to feel bad” —Chapter 66 ...Can Taku stop wishing for Haesoo depression, like he's already sad jfc

Exhibit 7 - "I want to bury inside the void he [jw] left in you. And later I'll push him aside however I can." ...honestly this quote struck me as Taku taking advantage of Haesoo's heartbreak and being hella 'opportunistic' (btw: Taku called HIMSELF that in his interview in chapter 5 so I mean... lol). Maybe that's just me though idk.

Exhibit 8 - In Chapter 84 when Joowon's scandal broke out, notice how Taku starts texting "are you okay?" to Haesoo, then deletes it and instead tells him to stop caring about Joowon? This moment said a lot to me, because it's the fact that Taku is SO AWARE of how Haesoo must be feeling, but he purposely chooses to ignore that and cares more about winning and keeping him away from Joowon. Kinda struck me as the opposite from Joowon's phone call after Haesoo's modelling news dropped in chapter 68. JW asked Haesoo to not do the exhibition because he knew its not what HS wanted (he is right: haesoo always wanted to be known for his writing not his face, and felt crappy abt it all day). But when Haesoo said he was fine, JW told him he'll always be on Haesoo's side even as a hyung/friend. He made it so clear how he cares the most about HS simply being okay, even after Haesoo left him.

Exhibit 9 - Taku tells Haesoo he hopes he has a hard time with Joowon after their breakup (Chapter 99). It felt wrong to me cause Haesoo genuinely apologized and gently let him down in their breakup... but Taku tries to make Haesoo feel worse. I honestly understand being spiteful towards exes who mistreated you in some way. HOWEVER with this relationship: it seemed to highlight Taku’s selfishness. Taku is out here acting like Haesoo wronged him for simply not liking him back in a 1 month TRIAL relationship. As if he wasnt the one who initiated and *insisted* on their relationship. As if he was unaware of Haesoo’s feelings for Joowon. As if Taku didnt say it was better that they use each other. Him wanting to make Haesoo feel bad over this is wild considering all the conditions of their relationship and his past manipulation too.

Again Im not hating on Taku Im just calling out his toxic behavior because hes the only one no one calls out ..... Jowon wasnt perfect either ok , he was far from it but he spent almost 50 fucking chapters IMPROVING. The only thing Taku was doing was guilt tripping Haesoo. He only "improve" when Haesoo finally got out . Anyways Iove to see a side story for Taku tho to see if he actually changed or remains the same . Because even if Jowon was out of the picture Taku would never last with Haesoo .
2021-05-17 12:17 marked
im tired of people not understanding the importance of yuki in this story. he is the single catalyst that drives the ENTIRE story forward. hell, the title "given" is literally an homage to him.

the story is about how the characters grieve after the loss of their friend. i feel like most people forget that yuki wasnt just mafuyu's ex, he was mafuyu's best friend, he was a constant throughout his childhood and adolescence. he was THERE when mafuyu admitted that he was abused, he was there when mafuyu's dad got arrested. his role in mafuyu's life and how deeply ingrained he is in mafuyu's story is so much larger than what people think it is.

and it's not just that, yuki was also hiiragi's and shizu's childhood friend too! he was also part of a huge chunk of their life, ESPECIALLY since they went to the same high school and basically had the same dream of performing music together.

uenoyama also has a major role because of the grief that yuki's death brings. and the thing that i find so amazing is that uenoyama understands ALL OF THIS. he understands yuki's importance in all their lives, and in some ways, he quite possibly understands yuki the best. he is patient and kind for most of the healing process. he doesn't pry, he doesn't overstep his boundaries, but many times he's made it clear that he is upset, that he is there for mafuyu whenever mafuyu wants to talk about it properly. he'll be the new constant.

given is about healing from the grief of a loss. and i think kizu is going through ALL the angles of such an event
2021-05-04 22:08 marked
I’m feeling very happy with this chapter for Yuki and mafuyu !
Many people thought that mafuyu was not happy with Yuki ! But we finally can see that he was !
They were geniously happy together, just simple in love nothing more
I MEAN LOOK AT THIS SMILE.. I never saw him like this

I didn't think I needed in my life to see them dancing and smiling at each other



That’s sad to see that many people hate Yuki because they like Ue more...
you know it’s okay to Ship mafuyama it’s okay to ship mafuyuki Doesn’t mean you have to hate the other ^^

I hope people will stop thinking that Yuki was toxic... same for mafuyu you can’t blame for his relationship and sadness toward Yuki, he lost his everything ! The boy who was always by his side, he lost half of his world... they were suppose to end they life together

Yes Uenoyama his is futur, they going to stay together until the end, no doubt about that ! but let him the time to move on from the past ! And you can’t ask him to COMPLETELY move on from Yuki that’s impossible.

Sorry for the mistakes my English isn’t great ^^
2021-05-04 21:59 marked
2021-02-24 13:49 marked
After watching the movie I do believe that ugetsu and aki are soulmates they just are the soulmates that couldn’t work out or they met at the wrong time something of that sort. It was painful seeing how much they loved each other but it just wasn’t meant to go on any longer. On another note I wish aki and haruki happiness and I hope ugetsu finds his own happiness. This series makes me too emotional
2021-02-03 20:16 marked
I honestly can appreciate Taku as a fictional character because I do find him interesting and layered. But I am TIRED of ppl claiming he was incredibly sincere and cared about Haesoo so much. Idk if some of y’all skipped these parts, or chose to ignore it... but pls do see the following examples of Taku's manipulative and selfish behavior, and taking advantage of Haesoo:

Exhibit 1 - He wanted to use his sex tape to guilt trip Haesoo in their relationship. He said: “I hoped that guilt would bring you to me”. It only didn't happen cause Haesoo turned down publishing the sex tape. It was not that Taku backed away and stopped himself because he realized how fcked up his actions were. It made Haesoo uncomfortable and weirded out too,, pretty sure this can count as sexual/workplace harassment lmao

Exhibit 2 - In chapter 96’s flashback Taku says "i just want to read the story he writes about me when i'm gone” (his friend calls him an asshole too lol). This is a throwback to Leo telling Joowon over the phone about how Taku uses his models for his work, and then tosses them aside with little regard. He was planning the same with Haesoo, until he later got “attached”. that’s karma ig~

Exhibit 3 - Haesoo expressed that he was unsure/not ready for a relationship. Yet literally RIGHT AFTER his quasi breakup with Joowon, Taku is pressuring him like, "I'm still waiting for an answer". It's weird cause Haesoo's wounds are fresh from his breakup, and Taku is NOT stupid. He knew this and persisted. Haesoo shouldn't have agreed and that's his own fault (HS is not entirely a victim here lets make that clear). Meanwhile Taku? He was flat out taking advantage of Haesoo's broken emotions.

Exhibit 4 - Quote: “It must have been painful for him no doubt, but I still wanted to see more". This was Taku's thought during a photoshoot with Haesoo, which later made Haesoo cry at the exhibition (Chapter 92/93). Taku told Haesoo: "think about having sex with someone you love, but you can never see them again". This was RIGHT AFTER Joowon and Haesoo's big separation. To inflict emotional pain in your partner, and then say you were interested in seeing more? Bruh no… just no.

Exhibit 5 - Quotes: “Every time I saw how sad you were, it felt good.” “You were lonely. You need me because of your unhappiness.” —Chapter 58. This is from Taku's monologue of how Haesoo’s unhappiness made him feel good, because he felt depended on by Haesoo for comfort // hs get away from this man pls haha

Exhibit 6 - Another quote: “If I can’t beat him [jw] one-on-one, then I at least want you [hs] to feel bad” —Chapter 66 ...Can Taku stop wishing for Haesoo depression, like he's already sad jfc

Exhibit 7 - "I want to bury inside the void he [jw] left in you. And later I'll push him aside however I can." ...honestly this quote struck me as Taku taking advantage of Haesoo's heartbreak and being hella 'opportunistic' (btw: Taku called HIMSELF that in his interview in chapter 5 so I mean... lol). Maybe that's just me though idk.

Exhibit 8 - In Chapter 84 when Joowon's scandal broke out, notice how Taku starts texting "are you okay?" to Haesoo, then deletes it and instead tells him to stop caring about Joowon? This moment said a lot to me, because it's the fact that Taku is SO AWARE of how Haesoo must be feeling, but he purposely chooses to ignore that and cares more about winning and keeping him away from Joowon. Kinda struck me as the opposite from Joowon's phone call after Haesoo's modelling news dropped in chapter 68. JW asked Haesoo to not do the exhibition because he knew its not what HS wanted (he is right: haesoo always wanted to be known for his writing not his face, and felt crappy abt it all day). But when Haesoo said he was fine, JW told him he'll always be on Haesoo's side even as a hyung/friend. He made it so clear how he cares the most about HS simply being okay, even after Haesoo left him.

Exhibit 9 - Taku tells Haesoo he hopes he has a hard time with Joowon after their breakup (Chapter 99). It felt wrong to me cause Haesoo genuinely apologized and gently let him down in their breakup... but Taku tries to make Haesoo feel worse. I honestly understand being spiteful towards exes who mistreated you in some way. HOWEVER with this relationship: it seemed to highlight Taku’s selfishness. Taku is out here acting like Haesoo wronged him for simply not liking him back in a 1 month TRIAL relationship. As if he wasnt the one who initiated and *insisted* on their relationship. As if he was unaware of Haesoo’s feelings for Joowon. As if Taku didnt say it was better that they use each other. Him wanting to make Haesoo feel bad over this is wild considering all the conditions of their relationship and his past manipulation too.
((Also, Taku in this scene to Haesoo: “Sorry I told you I'm not a good person” … Like sir, if you know you’re not a good person, THEN FIX IT. Joowon spent almost 40 chapters self-reflecting n trying to correct the mistakes he made, when he never *intentionally* wanted to hurt Haesoo lol. Meanwhile some Taku fans: “omg he’s a good person that was wronged. haesoo never deserved him!” lmaooo))

///end of examples

Anyway I’m gonna have to start sending this to some of y’all who selectively read Taku’s character to all hell. He was really manipulative with Haesoo and had some bad intentions. And when Taku grew to stop being a robot and showed “real feelings” getting all attached to Haesoo and liking him more than he expected, he was STILL selfish and wanted Haesoo to suffer for him. He didn’t get enough development to stray away from that, but imo that’s exactly why he’s the second lead
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
2021-01-27 11:12 marked
can i have the link for raws?
2020-12-01 11:11 marked
i feel like a lot of people don’t like joowon & maybe it’s because they don’t wish to understand his character. But everyone thinks taku is mysterious but no one stops to think that we don’t really know joowon at all either, a lot of the readers just want to have an antagonist and they pin everything in Joowon, they don’t give his character much benefit.

If people actually bothered to see past this “exterior” Joowon puts up they’d realise that actually Joowon has always been infatuated with Haesoo, ever since their first interaction. But h+J were forced to get away from each other, they were teenagers scared of the consequences and of fighting back so they gave up. I feel like everyone tends to forgets that joowon, too was young+afraid of the consequences which was why in the heat of the moment he said “don’t fall for me because i won’t fall for you” to Haesoo. He said this to protect H from possibly destroying his relationship with his mom- i mean who knows best what it feels like to have no motherly figure in their life ? Joowon does. Whilst in his heart J knew he loved him but he was afraid to pursue anything.

i feel like Haesoo doesn’t even try to understand Joowon because he's stuck in his feelings of hurt and heartbreak so he cant see beyond that, he doesn’t know how his mother constantly threatens Joowon, he doesn’t know just how lonely J really is. Take a minute to think who does Joowon really have ? His dad; yeah well it doesn’t seem he cares much about J if Haesoo’s mum had to tell him they’re thinking of getting back together. Haesoo’s mom? even though he calls her mom, we all know she dislikes him and that little boy inside him is yearning for a mother’s love which is why he keeps insistently calling her "mom". His manager? who makes profit off of him ? does he have any friends ? not really. Min kyuri ? his co worker/ noona who he's only doing his job with. Lastly Haesoo ? who’s already showing signs of giving up and moving on.

Then we have Taku whos shown as innocent, persistent, someone who knows the right words and actions to use when he's with Haesoo, i mean he said so himself. Let's not forget Taku already knew things about Haesoo before Haesoo knew of him, which has defo got elements of power imbalance. Those are things to think about but everyone overlooks. Im not saying taku is bad, because god knows hes not. Just some thoughts.
What are your thoughts/ opinions ?
2020-09-01 18:24 marked
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2020-08-30 17:30 marked
I think everyone gonna hate me but I love y’all so I LOVE yuki like idk why and how but I hate mafuyu and uenoyama IM SORRY but I don’t like them
2020-08-24 18:19 marked

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