45 chapters in, for us readers to finally get these two to be a proper couple would take 100+ chapters atleast I guess, I hate that orange fuck, hae soo is so insecure because of him, it's kind of depressing to read, I hope both my babies can cope up with their trauma and be strong for each other, I hate how hae soo keeps on treating him as a child, and taking everything for granted, but oh welp her ass ex is the sole reason for her behavior, but I really hope she grows some balls and fight for taeha poor guy is so deprived of love and affection.
45 chapters in, for us readers to finally get these two to be a proper couple would take 100+ chapters atleast I guess, I hate that orange fuck, hae soo is so insecure because of him, it's kind of depressing to read, I hope both my babies can cope up with their trauma and be strong for each other, I hate how hae soo keeps on treating him as a child, and taking everything for granted, but oh welp her ass ex is the sole reason for her behavior, but I really hope she grows some balls and fight for taeha poor guy is so deprived of love and affection.