FINSIHED READING THIS IN 1 DAY THINKING THE 2ND SEASON SO COMING SOON AAAAHHHHHH idk if I'll be happy or not lol, i would love to marinate this more ><
This episode is what am always looking forward to!!! The fight was good and it was great that i marinated this for few months and will marinate once again!! I'll come back with aroung new 10 chapters added
Yasss this also reminded me of svsss (my all time fave from mxtx).. anyways~~ am looking forward to this.. will marinate and probably wait at least 30 chapters~^^
I came here to start reading this one but the comment section are angy...did someone upload incomplete chapter? What chapters did they start so that i will know where to pause my reading...
its only the most recent chapter that's half-uploaded. lately some site has been promoting their site by uploading partial chapters to a bunch of stories.
its only the most recent chapter that's half-uploaded. lately some site has been promoting their site by uploading partial chapters to a bunch of stories. Xz.s
Not the first time they have done this. They did the same thing like maybe 8 months ago. But at the time they hadn't tried to steal this as their project.
FINSIHED READING THIS IN 1 DAY THINKING THE 2ND SEASON SO COMING SOON AAAAHHHHHH idk if I'll be happy or not lol, i would love to marinate this more ><