lmao ending was a tad rushed, but I think it was fine! lol I really appreciate stories that do what they're meant to do and end it (unlike Bleach, which was, apparently, meant to end after the Aizen arc).
I'm not saying that it was a perfect ending. It definitely could have been more polished with 2 or 3 more chapters, but I agree with the author in that dragging it out much longer would not have been a good idea.
I mean, real life is like this too. You don't get to find out every single dirty little detail about another person, and people just end up not together or together with apparently no warning.
It was a peaceful ending compared to the more dramatic beginning and middle, I guess. Which is fine? haha I'm not a big fan of drama myself, so it was refreshign.

but WHAT DOES "THE LEGEND" MEAN omgomgomgomg fill me in on the gosssippppp

have you read this?: http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/hana_ni_kuchizuke/
...I feel like the chapters or at least the pages in the raws are out of order? It's that...or this is another fucking Moritat but less mind-fuck just a bunch of insane crush-induced hallucinations...