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Ujin February 18, 2024 4:36 am

Ok I wanted to read this bc it saw it on TikTok and ngl this story lowkey mid also this is my opinion so…get off my ass LMFAOO. But the fm felt so like….childish idk? She had the whole revenge thing as her whole personality in the beginning and then we just never got to fully see it go down…And as for the ml he’s ight. He’s not that interesting? Kinda lame in my opinion. Ok let’s be real HES BASIC. M-M-M-MIDDDDDD. I’m just disappointed in the fl bc I thought it was gonna be a whole “I’m gonna get revenge and rise up to the top even though being born into a community where I wasn’t properly educated” but the whole story was just them having sex every damn chapter I feel like more could have been done but wtv. Damn but that one guy who’s hella pretty and pretended to be a female why does he have more personality and just overall more interesting than the actual ml . But I’m mostly upset at the side stories??? I thought they would dedicate the side stories to the child…also I’m not tripping right?? The first born was a female LOL. Every chapter was them having sex like damn where is your child at??? Are you even raising him yourself are you present?? also the names for some of the characters are Mongolian and as a Mongolian that’s hella cool I ain’t even know ppl knew we existed AHHAH ok ANYWAY AGAIN THIS IS MY OPINION YOU R FREE TO HAVE YOURS SO PLEASE DONT FIND AND JUMP ME.

    Luvena May 22, 2024 2:17 pm

    even though I really liked this and was looking forward to the side story, but for some reason the side story made the story not as exciting. I just wanted to see a happy family but instead there was very little togetherness with their children and the side story instead discussed many other things right..

Ujin July 24, 2023 7:47 am

Come back

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Okokok... 07-27 13:54
... 06-03 17:54
Photo from Album 02-13 13:11
****SPOILER****** Guys, just so you know, i think Dow... 11-28 14:27

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