Well, this disappointed me. I've read a couple of "reincarnated with my abuser" stories, and by far this one is the least interesting. The MC puts up hardly any resistance. You'd think he'd freak out or scream or tell his family that he hates the ML and doesn't want to see him, but instead he just acts like a stray cat who's slightly wary but not particularly difficult to win over. Plus, the story absolutely rushed through their reunion. There was hardly any angst, hardly any sense of helplessness and defeat as the MC tried and failed to stay away from the ML. They met as kids in one chapter and were years-long friends who grew up together in the next. Very disappointing.

Really not a fan at all of "I used to view you as a child but now I don't." 17 and 28 is a bad-time pairing regardless if the girl is the older one. No thank you.

Ikr she constantly reminds us. Like leave it be and we may think "well 17 is pretty mature in that world" but no. She says "He is a child" or "oooh thats a sulking teenager" like bro stfu. Also why 17-28. You want him to be young make him 18 or 19. Make her 24 and it will still be convincing that she was a workaholic adult. That author surely has some weird fantasies bc this story could be told in sooo many ways while still making it morally acceptable.

As much as I enjoyed this story and its characters, it's getting to the point where I'm starting to feel kind of bad for the author. Most of the panels now are empty and lifeless. There's no backgrounds, no details or shadows, no screen tones. It almost feels like line-art. Is the mangaka getting too old? Does she have no one helping her? Or is she just tired of the story? Whatever is going on, the art just doesn't feel like it has the same heart in it, and it's very saddening.

She's had health issues and then had surgery last year for something she had kept putting off or not taken seriously. Read somewhere the health issues are why the panels got less and less detailed over the years. Which makes sense, at this point I just appreciate her continuing on and possibly finishing the story.

There is also the chance of getting a complete version once the recompilation book is out, if these chapters are from the monthly publication is normal to be "more empty"
It also happened with the chapters around the 30 or 50, if you read the monthly it was almost all white and some characters barely tinted then on the recap book (tankenboun I think?) Or was all the detail done

There are a lot of reasons why this webtoon is fun and good, but I would just like to shout out how much I adore the designs of all the elemental lords. I'm not sure if this is an original webtoon or if this is being adapted from a web novel, but kudos to the artist either way for their creativity towards that aspect of the story. I only wish we saw them more so I could admire them more, haha.

Does the manga describe itself as a romantic comedy or did whoever upload it decide to describe it as a romantic comedy in the summary? Because it feels very false even in the very few chapters we have. The main couple (?) does not have any chemistry together at all, let alone humorous chemistry, and the female lead honestly seems like a creep. Or is it just supposed to be the inherent humor of a masculine girl and feminine guy?

I know it's not gonna happen because it's not that kind of webtoon, but just once, I'd like to see an MC escape their toxic love interest for good, whether that's leaving them or by fighting back and winning. Or maybe not even escape, but at least give the toxic person as good as they get. Poor Tay only got one good sucker punch in before he went back to getting steamrolled.
Thought about this the other day and came back to reread it. I agree the MC is frustrating, but I don't hold it against him. He's got trauma and his poor qualities are just manifestations of that trauma. It makes sense for him to act the way he does. What truly drives me nuts though, to the point that I want to punch a wall and tear my hair out, is the fact that the girlfriend forgave and took back that vile, cheating, pedo son of a bitch. Absolutely mind-boggling that she found that acceptable enough to begin dating him again and the fact that, as far as we know, he got his happy ending. Hate it. Burn him with fire.