I really wish we hadn't had that light-hearted, goofy opening to the season. It's really taking the impact out of all the dramatic stuff that's happening right now. Of course, there's novel spoilers and the type of story this is, so it was always safe to assume there would be a happy ending, but it feels different now that we've had in-story confirmation that everything will be alright. Maybe it's just me, but it feel harder to invest in anyone's feelings, knowing that the conflict will resolve to the point that they can have a silly shopping trip together, with no apparent consequences from what's going on right now.

I've actually always wanted a story to do this: actually showing the bad events playing out before rewinding time. Flashbacks just don't hit the same, especially in the very beginning of a story. This felt just so much more meaningful because it wasn't immediately obvious (until the end of the third chapter) that time would rewind, so I actually felt bad about all the shitty things that happened instead of waving them away because I knew time would rewind and everything would turn out fine. It only lasted 3 chapters, but I am grateful nonetheless.

I think(?) I like that the sin of sloth is manifesting as depression, but I'm not entirely sure. It's interesting, because I don't think I've ever seen it portrayed that way, but I also don't think it's a great idea to portray mental illness as a sin. Maybe the true sin of sloth will be revealed as the inaction of those in power to actually support the boy in a meaningful way? We'll have to wait and see.

i believe bel is taking advantage of priest's existing depression to push him further into sloth, not that the depression itself is the sin of sloth. your idea about the inaction of those in power is really good!! i definitely think we'll be seeing that later this arc especially with bel's closing statement in this latest chapter!

So... Slen assaulted Toguto, right? Slen said he needed many partners, pushed Toguto down, Toguto said "stop," the panel faded to black, and Toguto says he hates Slen and will never forgive him for what he did that day. That's assault, right? Or is he talking about how he discovered on that day that Slen was being unfaithful? Either way, I'm much less supportive of them being in a relationship now. Give them both someone less toxic to be with.

Slen truly loved him, but Toguto's words hurted him dearly. That's why he hated him & couldn't forgive him, how he only sees him as Another White Deer in a political point of view. So their friendship meant nothing to Toguto that time. Slen started to change, but still deep down wishes for him to notice him from who he was. But Toguto never changed his mindset. That's why Slen was seducing & sleeping around with every potential mates for Toguto (Is probably his way to Rebel against him). But even by doing that, won't change anything. So guess he snapped that time & assaulted him? (Though we couldn't really see, if it really was or perhaps he didn't continue. You never know he might have stopped & run away that time. Because Toguto has mentioned seeing Slen's angry face). Then Toguto woke up from reminiscing the past in his dream.
As of right now, it doesn't seem like it will happen, but I'm desperately hoping that the ML falls first.