Tidybookworm followed question about question

Why should I even bother getting a job? I could just hire some Black guys to do it for me. Desperate as hell for some money and watermelons.

6 days
Tidybookworm followed question about question

also being a Female omega is the wost thing of all

6 days
Tidybookworm followed question about question

I REALLY really want you on my lap riding it

6 days
Tidybookworm followed question about question

Does anyone know a good website for raw Japanese manga? Preferably one that has BL like a Japanese equivalent of newtoki lmaooo cause I’ve been learning Japanese semi-casually for a while with kanji study and anki etc. with the odd podcast here and there for immersion, but since I’ve been watching Japanese shows and anime since before I was a t......

8 days
Tidybookworm followed a goer

oh ho? you stalk my profile and trying to find something?

8 days
Tidybookworm followed question about joining a scanlation group

is anyone in need of a member to start a scan/scanlate manga? i have no experience whatsoever but i can learn

8 days
Tidybookworm followed question about question
Tidybookworm followed question about question

yall dumbasses just dont admit it but it can help artist. Digital art itself aint even a real art too. Ai is also cheaper and made ready to use for someone? i aint gonna pay you $10 for a fucking chibi. Some of yall overprices as if ur art is something worth expensive

8 days
Tidybookworm followed question about question

idk if it's because i haven't eaten today or because the only thing i've ate for the last 3 days was ice cream but my stomach hurts like a bitch

8 days
Tidybookworm followed question about question

i want something like cross play love or just something with cross dressing and a romance aspect to it as for gender benders something like kampfer plot wise where the nigga be like "omg i'm a girl?!" none of that weird fujo turning into a nigga and being gay shit

8 days
Tidybookworm followed question about question

wdym youre mad over someone liking simple psychological content? just bec u cant seperate fiction from reality doesnt give urself the right to tell people to not read those materials. Its just porn. nobody thinks that deeply in these smut genres. its fiction get over it.

8 days
Tidybookworm followed question about question

Anyone else remember when we couldnt acsess the forums and other stuff on this site for like a YEAR?? I never really understood why that happened If anyone could provide context that would be great

8 days
Tidybookworm followed question about question
Tidybookworm followed question about question

nothing wrong with it since ite fictional

8 days
Tidybookworm followed question about question

If no, then I suggest you search and learn of her case because it's just so heartbreaking. I would've explained it myself but I think it will be better to read about her case youself. She died by suicide after being sexually assaulted by her male colleagues and superiors. My question is, wasn't South Korea considered one of the most safest country ......

8 days
Tidybookworm followed question about question

What's a word you like and say constantly

8 days
Tidybookworm followed question about question

That ml from it’s okay to not be okay turned out A PEDO (my crush used to like him instead of me idk what to feel rn)

8 days