there are people out there who want me dead and buried alive even though i dont even know their last name and im just a stupid teen who stays in her room 24/7 reading dumb things, ranting on a manga site and having my food and package delivery driver as my most recent and only contact
First of all, I AM MAD. If you are a reader, be it the novel's, manhwa's, especially BOTH, then I don't need to say anything. If you're not, the closest I can think of for the reason atm is, 'imagine Harry Potter movies without magic— i'ts just like that', you get why I am mad right? And it's not just me, many people was protesting this (how do ......
I'm just 19 but I feel like I'm missing out on sooooo much things there's a lot going on in my life rn and it's too exhausting so I just distract myself by reading some random shit but the more I read the more empty I felt I felt a bit envious to the mcs in the stories I read where they achieve much in life where they felt heartbreak where they f......
I know so many of you are broke or can't register on the offi site so I'm leaving tips here how to read kr RAW n0vel. Use opera browser on your phone for easy experience 1. Open the site, click the chapter, and use 'reader mode' at the corner (symbol) right that i circled with red 2. Then click as much paragraph, but dont click too much bc ......
Bro I can't go past the first settings, it literally sucks onto my dick clit with the suctions so I ain't even gotta hold it in place, I bursted and it shattered across the room, hitting my friend across her big ass forehead and now she's looking at me differently
I have a gore fetish. Full Farnese de Vandimion. Religious background and all. Allow me to explain: My dad used to show me and my big sister gory videos to scare us into staying safe from when I was a toddler till my early teens. Once I saw a kidnapping victim’s body in a documentary. Her head was missing, but the police found her limbs and put t......

I will not defend ML, because he indeed touched her without her consent, but he turns out to be not as bad as reader thinks at first. He just doesn't understand humans, he is monster after all. Later, when FL&ML relationship improves it's really enjoyable smut manga.
I remember a question similar to this and I saw someone saying that they spelt mango wrong and it was the most hilarious thing I've seen to the point that it has NOT left my mind. At all. Anyway, I found it while trying to look for a way to read a manhwa for free because I hate lezhin
I can’t comment or ask questions or anything