Yah daddy!!!
Why everyone say its 12 or14 yers old do???? There are adults who lose there mind too Note...I am 18 thought not from them :)
They made me cry i hate them all waaaaaStill love the story
Still dont anderstand what is happening
There are a dentist in my town that pull my father healthy tooth and live the bad one .....and my mother and when my brother go to the dentist he was very fraid that will happen to him too lol
My mother too**Leave**
Note my mother is dead now not bc of the dentist dont worry
Imagine dying because of a dentist get off mangago sweetheart
Its like when the girl is trying to make her dreams becames true lol i know alots of girl that want to live like soap opera
Soup its allright !!! You did enough to as already
Lol that was me in the end
That broke my heart
Slow down.....why the rush?
Yah daddy!!!