poor taejin
author really thought they could distract us by giving him a dumbass goofy side that parallels his madness... side note the art is gorgeous
yo that preview is wild
proof angle matters cause why is he fluctuating between the ages of 27 to 49?
the panels where mokyeon kept his gaze on nanjo while nanjo's gaze was focused on seonhwa was so good. so far i like the dynamic of the story because i've been looking for something like this, instead of the typical love triangle or whatever.
why is he illustrated like a child when he's 24?
i didn't expect to see someone jacking off to a limbless person today
Yea me too I want to be blind
i think the ml can help you with that
cool cool, gonna let this marinate for a bit
waiting for the physicals
this seems like it would have a lot of angst with the vibes so far...
poor taejin