Btch wdym ur surprised to see him resigning after everything that u have done no sane man would keep up with your abusive acts I hope jaekyung will get a taste of his medicine go Kim Dan fk jaekyung live ur life now
Yk waht this is purely smut (almost every chapter theres a fucking scene) I hope the seme gets hit or smth hes pissing me off hes basically using the uke
No they didnt die they didnt Alan was hit around the breast part and he still can talk and open his eyes and hayden didnt die they just went to the sea and drowned the car and rose up believe me theyre alive theyre alive theyre-- I cry
Do manhwas have a competition which is more fcked up... Manhwas kept on being fcked up *still reads ANYWAY PAYING PPL TO BULLY HIM IS EXPECTED SINCE HES TOXIC BUT TF THE PARENTS??????? TF