I got a 1360. I’d say I did pretty bad considering my country average is 1480. But don’t worry too much test score aren’t everything. I still got into the same universities as my friends who got 1500+ ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪ 1 reply
Moving schools in my senior year. I used to be straight A student for 3 years, but ended up with Bs on my transcripts in my senior year because of the new school. (T-T) 2 reply
I thought you were talking about the kpop groups Bigbang and god from the title, and got me thinking who was in first gen…
Then I continue reading and realize that you’re not talking about kpop lmaoo reply
Is it just me or is mangago acting up on safari? When I was reading something and tried to go to next chapter, it just said “we’re sorry, the request files are not found”. And if I tried to open a new tab and start the website again, it just said the same thing. After 10-15 mins, it went back to normal. It already happened like 3 times today and a lot of time this week.