I SEE BL I- ( つ ◕_◕) つ's experience ( All 0 )

I SEE BL I- ( つ ◕_◕) つ's answer ( All 1 )

about meet lgbt
Like a stupid bitch? Yea... It was when everyone around me was laughing and i was like "wtf why is everyone laughing???"   reply
19 10,2020

I SEE BL I- ( つ ◕_◕) つ's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did hate myself

24/7 no sleep 4ever in this perpetual state of self deprecation

6 hours
want to do not getting over someone

Im too ace for this

17 hours
did being queer

I’m pan and have know for a long time. And I have a big problem with falling in love with my best friends.

17 hours