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Choking_On_Jisoos October 4, 2020 1:07 am

I've read this three times and I still don't know their oldest brother's name- =_= Like...There's Alex, Eiji and then Arien and Arjen but.. tf is the older ones name????

    Choking_On_Jisoos October 4, 2020 1:11 am

    Okay so..update.. found out his name is Loyd and they like...said it once....ok =_= ig...anyway the emperor still doesnt have a name tho.. he's just..the emperor ig idfk-

Choking_On_Jisoos September 5, 2020 10:39 pm


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Uhmm 11-17 23:40

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"It's Time To Kick Gum and Chew Ass. And I'm All Out Of Ass" - Dick Kickem

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