I just Google translate the viatnamese languange so please read them with a grain of salt
Both nerd and gyaru are jailed together right? Then in the room that nerd suggest both of them to use their 10mins no cam and mic. So you know what!!! that nerd and gyuri literally cuddling together under a blanket wthhhhhhhhhh
Then if the google translate is correct, that nerd said to gyuri that he never experienced the feelings he had when he with gyaru. He even said that maybe what he's been feeling before with Sanghee (for fxckin 10 years ) is not love. (He literally means that what he feels with gyaru is true love, i'm vomiting)
And what even funny is, the gyaru monologue sound like this 'wthh, what a shallow feeling'. When i read this monologue i feel suspicious, i think this gyaru has the tendency to test the man in long relationship. Cuz we can see that she's not even that into or that serious with the nerd. We can see she just enjoy destroying other's relationship. But what i can i understand is why the nerd?????? Does she has any fetish?!?!?
Next another panel, this is between Nuri and Sanghee. Sanghee asks Nuri, don't you feel angry?? U gf's behaviour is trashhh
But Nuri said, "hmmmmmmm i justttt normal. It's weird right? I should feel really angry but i just a lil angry "
Sanghee " how come you feel like that?"
Nuri "Try to think, why yuri's target must be myungjoo. We got other man like black hair and blond hair, why must be nerd"
Nuri's dialogue make me more confident that the gyaru just like to destroy a long time relationship. Ughhhhh. I just cant wait for the break upp
Then next chappppp. If you wanna read the viatnamese version you can just search
Mảy Trong on fb. Or Couple Breaker 66 Facebook.
Pleaseeeee, i thought i've hold this manhwa long enough for this beach to dissapear but wth!!!!she's still here and as annoying as ever, ughhhh.
Okay I'm done, I'm dropping this