I can't believe what I read. Two chapters ago, the seme forced sex on the uke to the point where he got scared and wanted to pull away, thinking he hated him and stuff. Then, two chapters later, they're caressing and kissing each other like they love each other and stuff. What the hell? I guess I'm just reading this to see where this is going. I've already wasted so much time reading this and suffering along with it that I just want to know how it ends.

Can someone tell me if the seme is a green flag or a red flag?

While it’s borderline not okay him and the uke are in that kind of relationship and it’s by far one of the greenest things a seme has done in BL standards, when people ask for abuse they don’t mean “iffy consent” they mean actually genuine abuse where they beat the ukes, rape the ukes. Manipulate etc …this guys just a typical scummy guy that thinks with his D. He’s not really a bad person just…selfish and needing a wake up call.

For real people need standard. I really thought he'd be a green flag at first but I guess that authors can't get enough of using rape when they don't know what to add. The rape literally add nothing, the uke act like he forgot and he forgave too quickly. And I'm also annoyed that people don't realize that "iffy consent" – as you call it, even if he can't consent when he's asleep - is still rape.

Be annoyed all you want it’s a fantasy manga and authors love to add “iffy consent”. Yes it’s wrong but in irl there’s couples that are into that. Heck there’s a whole kink around it, my best friend who’s gay has this very kink. The author doesn’t really have time to go into all of this and honestly I don’t want to either but to say he’s a rapist isn’t a big reach but it doesn’t quite fit here. The uke didn’t freak out, didn’t thrash and tell him “no I don’t want this”. He was confused but ultimately went along with it. If in the future the author shows the mc looking back on it and deciding “hey that wasn’t okay” then okay. Yes the seme is a rapist but until the author shows the uke in that way then you cannot go around saying he’s a rapist. Some authors like to show us the characters rejecting these things and that’s good, it shows the readers that how they intended it to be seen and clearly this author wanted to cater to a certain audience. I personally wouldn’t be okay with it but that’s me and if this was my story it would be rape. But it’s not, so to the originally poster. Well the seme isn’t the best man out there and is indeed pretty scummy he isn’t by BL standards a red flag. He’s pretty pale yellow.

I don’t really need to entertain yall but I’ll say this to you and it’s gonna blow you mind away, when people say no during sex….they don’t always mean it. Should the seme have slowed down and asked consent. Yes he should have tbh but people say no during sex so much there’s a whole thing now called a safe word. Does this mean that if this was a friend irl that came to me and said this was done to them I’d tell them it’s not rape? No I wouldn’t, I’d say it’s rape because the person came to me not okay with it. Until the author shows the uke having those reflections I want y’all to put your pitch forks away. Me understanding how an author intended the story to be written doesn’t make me an enabler. I read Fictional work with an open mind and I read it as the author intends it to be read. Here it’s “iffy” not because I don’t agree it’s not rape but because the author doesn’t intend for it to be that. If you’re someone who’s okay with that then it caters to your kink which I’m sorry to say is what most of these stories are about? If you want a nice wholesome romance BL is not the genre for you it’s honestly THAT simple.

yeah bro take your racist apologist story and pack it up. that second sentence told me all i needed to know about you.
"my best friend who’s gay has this very kink"? well guess what im gay fucktard and that chapter wasnt centered around any of them having that kink. he was drunk and taken advantage of in his sleep, that's rape, end of story.

Do you have that kink? And racist? You saying racist is all I needed to know about you lmao. If you’re not intelligent enough to understand a word don’t use it. I won’t respond after this because clearly you don’t understand things and it’s my bad I should have realised that before the “racist “ comment ahaha.

I meant like in that manhwa that I forgot the name that the guy is a boxer kinda of mistreat, but yeah he’s a piece of shit like I said and that non consensual sex rape thing was really annoying and shitty… but the uke here is so adorable maybe I didn’t want the person asking to not try the reading, because the art is great and uke is so sweet

Oh God, I never imagined that I would get so many answers to my question. Well, Mih, I started reading and when I read Jinx (the story of the boxer and such), I thought the seme was a yellow flag. I asked because I read "No Love Zone" and I liked the art and I thought the story was good, disregarding rapes and other things. I wanted to know if the seme was a red flag because of the countless yaois in which the seme pretends to be a good guy and such, deceives the innocent uke and then regrets it and tries to get back together. That's why I asked.

cant answer cuz im blocked but me make a few points. 1. "racist" and "rapist" are similar words. i misspelled it. to make your entire comment about that while missing my other points shows how illiterate you are.
2. the stories i read have nothing to do with this. i didnt say they aren't rape. i answered somebody's question regarding that topic. the fact that you resorted to ad hominem and tu quoque because you can't defend that you're a rape denier is hilarious

Well, that's kinda what's gonna happen in this bl lol. The seme isn't pretending to be nice but he knows uke loves him so he isn't quite showing his true self yet (at least I think) he already abused our innocent uke (even if some don't want to realize it) and will probably do it in the future given how the story's unfolding

It's kinda funny that you mentioned your BFF. I could do it too. My best friend is gay and he loves feet, does that mean every gay loves feet? I really don't understand why you had to include him/her here but okay ig. BTW, people can be raped but not realize it (because of past abuse and tendencies of minimalizing) making your whole statement about "if he gets scared afterwards it's rape but if he doesn't it's not" invalid. Do you have something else to say now that I've proven that your two main and only - if I remember well - arguments aren't valid?
I don't know if it's because I read a lot of yaoi, but my idea for the story is the following: we get rid of the empress and her daughter and the emperor and the grand duke stay together as a couple. The situation is resolved by who Shuelina ends up with (after all, the emperor, in this life, was not to blame and was looking for her too).
Glad I'm not the only one all I see when I look at the is toxic yaoi or enemies to lovers
It's so simple. Shushu has two fathers and three brothers. For me, it's perfect.