fatbootybitch created a topic of Slammer Dogs

oh yeah he definitely likes him now

fatbootybitch created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

i feel like this might be the end but i also feel like there so much missing

fatbootybitch created a topic of Slammer Dogs
fatbootybitch created a topic of Slammer Dogs

that was cute to bad he’s crazy

fatbootybitch created a topic of In the Doghouse
fatbootybitch created a topic of Slammer Dogs

i gagged when i saw the nipples just on the table

fatbootybitch created a topic of ASHTRAY
fatbootybitch created a topic of Lee Seop's Romance

brothaa it’s been like this for the last 3 chapters…if y’all gonna get freaky then get freaky, let’s get this story going

fatbootybitch created a topic of ARTS MANZ

could care less who he chooses just don’t play my black hair man

fatbootybitch created a topic of Slammer Dogs

you just said he was crazy why talk shit…..