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Hates everyone but you(44) 2025-01-22 0
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His one and only(103) 2025-03-10 1
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åkerot's topics ( All 6 )

åkerot November 7, 2023 6:48 pm

baby, buddy, man, dude, bro.... no problemo..???? it's so out of character it's not even funny. please someone else pick this up and do it right damn

åkerot November 4, 2020 10:04 pm

im so happy that theyre together agian (/TДT)/ (also, anyone reading this and thinking of anal... pls use !!!lube!!!, not spit lmao, pls be safe)

åkerot's questions ( All 2 )

åkerot August 22, 2020 5:50 pm

I am in need of some completed romance (gender pairing doesn't matter, I'll read anything !!) mangas/manhwas, something sweet preferably but I'll take whatever I can get. I'm just tired of being left on cliffhangers and having to wait on new chapters lol !
Any recommendations?

åkerot May 27, 2020 7:50 pm

anyone know any mangas similar to the manga Superior, but with a more explored romance? I truly love it, but I am always left frustrated at the end - I just want some real love/kiss/anything lol

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