could anyone help me find this or does anyone know this yaoi? where at the ending im pretty sure they are on a plane then they end up doing it on the bathroom and like the flight attendant knocks or sumthing
that sounds familiar maybe its this?
I've been severly depressed lately I've come to like this guys a year younger than me and our classroom are just a door apart, we're in the same sport and i regularly see him at practice whats been bothering me is that we've been talking for almost a week, and i will admit im the clingy, words of affirmation, physically touch typa person.
While is he more on the reserved and shy side, apparently im his first talking stage. and i didnt know this i feel like i unknowingly pushed him away with my actions its wrong to act jealous and ask for things ppl would only ask if they were official, I've realized i should have taken it slow as hes on the newer side of things.
Moving back to the present around the 20th of october after practice i was angry and and disappointed as ive said hes more reserved i tend to take the lead or the firsf move, he kept avoiding me the whole day which lead me to go to an angry sobbing scenario ranting to my friends as i went home, i really felt like this guys was different i wasnt religious in anyway but I've began praying to God more often abt this guy, which I've NEVER done for anyone else before.
the guy told me he just wasnt ready for our set-up or a relationship rn? and i know its a clear answer to stop and i did, but this one incident left me to believe there was still hope, he keeps getting teased abt us still and he often laughs or smiles abt it and the last time i was too shy to talk to him again after what happened, he seemed to be in a bad mood going home immediately after.. idk i wanna take the risk and ask him to have a re-do take things nice and slow this time and let our rs progress organically :(
I'm a firm believer of don't chase but attract, if you're constantly feeling the need to beg for his attention and love then trust me it's not worth it. Although he is a year younger than you he isn't dumb enough to not get the hint that you want something serious with him and it's clear he doesn't want to give you that right now, trust me you'll find someone who will do anything to make you happy, there's no such thing as right person wrong time in my opinion, if someone is the right person they'll be with you and give you assurance until the time is right. All of this chasing and dreaming is only exhausting you and no one else. Keep your distance and focus on yourself for now, prioritize your well being.
thank you guys sm for the advice i havent talked to him in like 3 days and i reached out just recently hahehhsdn we're talking it out rn and it all seems good so far im glad i listened and applied each of your advices i feel like we've come back stronger than ever >:)
words cant express how happy i am right now seeing how hes making an effort to talk to me
someone pick thid uppp plsss