can i take "yamato's actions as if he owes a favor to luffy?
but if so, how?
the only thing i can connect it to is the conflict between Gecko Moria and Kaidou
lets say Yamato was inflicted in that fight and got his shadow stolen .....
and straw hats coincidentally released his shadow in thriller bark
then Yamato's actions now would make sense
Kaidou knowing his son owed straw hats,
naturally he'll chain his son so he won't meet them and repay the favor
but yeah if this is the case, at least kaidou's son knew gratitude and is willing to repay it even if it means disobeying kaidou
just a speculation tho

The ending felt like fishbone stuck in my throat -_-
i was thinking death together would be their happy end ugh i was naive
what happy end? lol
and still even if they didnt die together i was hoping bum to kill himself as he promised with sangwoo
arghhhh though i binge read this coz i cant sleep without seeing how it would end, im rather pissed and cant sleep =.= daaarrnnnn