Sorry but I can’t forgive this fucking selfishass bitch seme….If u aren’t happy with your partner then just fucking talk with them instead of going around and having yourself satisfying play with some strangers and if u really want to do that with every fucking other bitches then first u have to walk out of your relationship cos u can hurt your partner feeling and I can clearly see uke is really hurt by that(and that bitch seme is there be like “you’ll be alright just breath in and out calm down”….I was like wtf is he talking LOL like srsly boyyyyyyy u are not in some yoga or meditation class hahaha i can’t when he said that aahhahahahaha……
Once a cheater is always a cheater if i were in uke place I’d probably rant my ass out then leave that fucking bitch and NEVER EVER see him again.
I see on comments some excuses debating about this stuff but i want to say CLEARLY and LOUDLY this is a CHEATING ….If someone says this is not cheating then what it is? I want some explanation :)
Rereading again