I know you're probably like wtf and think im so disgusting but I also think that too. I dont know whats wrong with me and why i had this dream and now im having a life crisis. I just remember her rubbing my vjay and us kissing with tongue, not full on sex, but I never have and never will think of my mom or any family members in that way because thats fucking gross. I'm not even gay either (im a girl btw) so im so confused. I even had a fight with my mom last night and cried for awhile after that so this literally doesn't make sense. People I think about during the day usually show up in dreams and ive been reading yaoi all day so maybe thats why i had that dream? But either way i hate myself for having that dream and have been thinking about it the whole day. can someone please tell me what this means and if youve had a dream like this as well because im freaking out and feel so disgusting.

I say dont worry to much about it. Weve all had a fuxked up dream before that left us feeling disgusting or disturbed. You cant control what you dream about or what happens in them. Last night I had a dream that made me feel so mad at myself and distrubed but im just trying to forget about because I (personally) dont think dreams mean anything. Just try to forget about it

Dreams DO NOT dictate your desires or unconscious desires. I know it's disgusting but you can use your own rational thinking to determine what's right or wrong. From what I've learned through psychology classes, dreams are just random and weird like that. They don't have much correlation with our actual lives. So don't guilt yourself into thinking that you did something wrong or that you have a desire for that. I've definitely had some weird/gross dreams like that, and once you wake up from it you just freak out but knowing that its definitely not in line with your actual morals and desires, it makes it easier to move on. I hope you and your mother can work things out! And don't beat yourself over this one dream! It doesn't determine who you are :)
guys im so scared for this interview, i have social anxiety and stutter so much and stay stuff that doesnt make sense when im nervous so can u guys give me tips on job interviews and like what i should say when they ask me questions
thanks besties!!!!!
In my last interview 3yrs ago I was nervous as shit. But the interviewer told me after the interview I looked calm the whole time lmao. Maybe just think of it like talking to an acquaintance? Just answer their questions and dont take long pauses. Smile. I think I was smiling like an idiot during my interviews. Lol.