.matsu. followed question about question

do you ever think and say to yourself "wow I'm no better than those obese neck bearded degenerate incels on reddit or 4chan." while using this site? like I'm using a site that is basically a water downed 4chan's Japanese culture board and nsfw board with a bit of random and politically incorrect. and also no doxxing, so far. (disclaimer, im not a ......

11 days
.matsu. answered question about shipping
in my experience it’s the dude bros who get mad, they be on some “they’re just friends!!” they’re also fiction so who gives a fuck? like why do you care if i ship itadori and fushiguro, stop acting like it’s gonna kill you
.matsu. created a topic of True Education

they fr playing in our face like we dumb
don’t think we forgot abt that shit you pulled nga

.matsu. answered question about being awake for far too long
the ugly twink and the top who rapes him ITS FUCKING EVERYWHERE IM GONNA NUKE A WALMART
.matsu. created a topic of Our Sunny Days


.matsu. answered question about fall for a same sex person
y’all be getting TOO comfortable with anonymity
.matsu. like the answer